You might as well just shoot me now.
Beginning tomorrow night, we will be attempting to get rid of the blasted binky, or bobo as it’s called by us.
I will be trying a technique I saw on Supernanny, where you “mail” the binkies to the great Binky Fairy. Then after that, I expect a lot of crying, screaming, and all around hair pulling (me, not her).
Cross your fingers for me.
Screw that….pray….pray hard! I’m gonna need it!
Good luck! We went through that about a month ago. There is a light at the end of the tunnel…
Good luck. We took my daughters pacifiers away one vacation, and gave her a doll. By some miracle, it worked. We told her that her new cousin needed the pacifiers.
That was the hardest battle for us of all of them (including potty training.)
Then 2 weeks after Christmas a number of mom friends mentioned that “leaving the binkies for Santa to come and take to other needy children in return for toys” worked marvelously.
2. Weeks. After. Christmas.
The Easter Bunny got ours – and left chocolate, candy, and hidden eggs in their place – it worked.
Fall back in case the Fairy loses!
p.s. to quote a friend of mine: no one ever shows up for 1st grade in diapers, drinking from a bottle, and sucking on a binkie – don’t worry – it will happen! 🙂
Good luck! Please let us know how it goes!
Thank you all for the wishes. I pray that it will work with her, but she can be pretty stubborn. I’ll be sure to give an update post.
GeekMommy, I HOPE I don’t have to fall back on Christmas.
me too!! But binkie was the tough row to hoe in our world… even today she’s got a tendency to put stuff in her mouth that shouldn’t be there – plastic, blankets, clothing… sigh.
I’m wishing you better luck – but remember – when she’s 21 you won’t exactly remember how old she was when she finally gave it up – just that she did and that it was a battle! 🙂
Do you have booze in the house?
(For her, not you.)
GeekMommy: That is absolutely true. I’m sure your daughter will get over putting things in her mouth eventually.
Britt: I do…hmmm…tempted lol
You did the right thing in getting “binky” out the way. Now she can give you all the attention.
yup i know it’s the right thing to do
Great posts! Regarding the binky, my friend absolutly raved about the cut method, and the psychology behind it. She emailed me a link to a site that has a free publication (supported by advertisements). Very cool stuff, worked like a charm for me as well; wouldn’t do it any other way. The link is for anyone who is interrested. If you do, let me know your thoughts… Bella
@Bella, Thanks for sharing the link and your experience. Thankfully, I no longer need it. 😉