As I look back on this blog, I realize that one of the things I enjoy most is sharing special parenting moments with you. It helps me reflect, take in, and enjoy those little, everyday moments, that are actually quite extraordinary. They are the ones we talk about when we get together and reminisce. Those […]
Insights from Disney’s Social Media Moms Celebration
The last week of April began what has been a month of travel, conferences, and fun. It kicked off with a bang, though, as it all started with a trip to Walt Disney World to attend Disney’s Social Media Moms Celebration! This was our third year attending this family-inclusive conference and as always, we had […]
“Don’t Lick Your Toes!” and Other Things I Never Thought I’d Say as a Mother
When I was young, my mom used the phrase “This hurts me more than it hurts you,” more than once. I could never wrap my brain around that statement and remember wondering how it could possibly be true because I was feeling actual pain! Mind you, I was rarely hit, but the very few times […]
Traveling: The Good and The Bad
Three weeks of travel can certainly throw you for a loop. One one hand, I was able to attend two conferences and attend a brand event, so business-wise, they were good trips. On the other hand, I’m internally off-balance after traveling three weeks in a row. Good and bad. There were plenty of good things […]
Joining the Bumble Bee Squad with Bumble Bee Foods!
I grew up eating tuna fish. It was a quick lunch solution – mix tuna with mayo, spread on bread, and you had a quick sandwich! My mom often made those for us, so naturally it became a go-to meal for me as I got older and especially when away at college. It’s actually still […]