A few photos from our weekend safari tour of Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, part of the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Central Florida. Have you ever been to Disney’s Animal Kingdom? What’s your favorite part of that park?
Reader Poll: Would Shorter Posts Be Welcome?
Sometimes I have ideas and thoughts I want to share, but I don’t always have the time to sit down and write a full post. And, by the time I do, the thought seems to have passed. For this reason, I’ve been thinking of doing shorter posts mixed in with regular content. But, first, I’d […]
Using the FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System for Easier, Faster Home-Cooked Meals {Video}
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we were testing out a new FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing system. In doing so, I was hoping that it would make for more home-cooked meals and fresh fruits and vegetables in our house. After using our FoodSaver during this time, I can attest that I am indeed cooking more […]
Avon Representative Helping Kids’ Schools Through Part-Time Avon Home Business
Our partnership with Avon continues with a second profile of an Avon representative. I had the chance to speak last month with Yesenia Ward who lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and has been with Avon since October 2007. She moved to Vegas from California and as a stay at home mom (SAHM), she was seeking […]
eBay MoneyMakers Highlights Families Making Money Online by Selling on eBay {Giveaway}
Through our partnership with eBay, I’ve been learning a lot about how various people use eBay to either earn a little extra spending money, make a living from selling on eBay, and every scenario in-between. One of the latest ways I’m learning about families who sell on eBay is through the eBay MoneyMakers video series. […]