Most of you already know that we are a bi-cultural family and I myself am bilingual. As such, my husband and I decided that we would make an effort to raise our children bilingually so they could learn both English and Spanish. So far, our daughter is doing a great job of acquiring both languages […]
When Time Outs No Longer Work
Photo credit: sean_alexander There are many forms of discipline and punishment that parents use with their children. In our house, we’ve used the time out method, the just talking method, the redirecting method, and we’ve even yelled at times out of losing our patience. Hey, it happens, right? But, lately, we’ve come up with a […]
Different Expectations…Same Goals
When the decision was made that I would leave my full-time outside the home job in order to work from home, the husband shared some of his requests with me: Legs and armpits should be shaved at all times. – I think the idea behind this is that I’ll have more time alone to be […]
The One Time 149 Pounds is Actually a Bad Thing
My father recently had his 66th birthday. His father lived to the age of 64. These are the things I think about sometimes when I have a few seconds of silence and my brain takes a break from the every day hustle. 66 It’s not really that old. But, when you factor in incidents that […]
Rellenos de Papa…with a twist! #tastemaker challenge
You saw me open the box. Then, it was on to cooking. This month’s Potato Tastemaker 2K10 challenge was honoring National Seafood Month. My task was to create a dish using potatoes and salmon. Watch and see what I created: I’ll probably post a full recipe in the future. For now, make sure you click […]