No more rats! Yay! If you’ve been following along on Twitter, you’ll know that there have been a couple of rat incidents at my job. Well nooooo more! We’re moving. Our office is moving locations, which means no more rats. But, it also means I now have to buy a parking pass for $400. ugh […]
The Logic Astounds
In the car… Baby girl: Can I take my sandals off? Me: You want to take your sandals off? (you often have to repeat what they say to be sure you understood right) Baby girl: Nope Me: So why did you say that? Baby girl: Because I want them on. You can’t argue with that […]
Can you Recommend Some Cold Lunch Ideas?
I received my first ever blog post request. That is, I got a question from a reader (and friend) to answer via a post. Here is her question: I am trying to find some creative meals to give to my husband when he goes to work. We are trying to save money and buying lunch […]
How Would You Start a Home-Based Business?
I posted the following question on twitter, plurk, and a few other social networks today. Here are the responses I received. Twitter Plurk And a good friend of mine responded via Facebook. Study the trade Research the market Find out all the legal stuff Building a website Write a business plan Get investors Get to […]
How do you handle bed-time?
At our house, we try to give baby girl her nightly bath around 7:30 pm, though some nights it’s closer to 8 pm. The general goal is for the bed-time routine to be over and her to be asleep by 8:30 pm. Most nights, my husband gives baby girl her bath while I grab her […]