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Afraid of the dark – already?
Ah – the joys of parenthood… Just when things were going smoothly and baby girl seemed to be having no problems – a new one arises! My 9 (almost 10) month old daughter recently started waking up around 5 am (used to be 6) and just starts crying. She doesn’t stop when either daddy or […]
For all the SAHM out there
I have a question for those of you that are able to stay home with your children. How in the world do you manage to be able to stay at home??!! How do you afford the mortgage, utilities, etc.? Are you working from home? If so, what kind of work? I would really love to […]
Stay-at-Home Mom as Family CEO
Interesting article on Yahoo Finance – ————————————————————————————————— New Market Research Reveals Stay-at-Home Mom as Family CEO Wednesday September 27, 10:29 am ET NEW YORK, Sept. 27 /PRNewswire/ — Motherhood has become cool in the last five years, and today’s Gen X and Gen Y stay-at-home moms are clearly comfortable in their roles as CEO of […]
Milk & PMS
What a great milk commercial! Make sure to watch it below, then read on. Is that not the funniest? Who would have thought that men would ever care for milk so much! Milk reducing PMS symptoms. What do you think? Lately milk (and dairy products in general) are advertising the great benefits of drinking milk. […]