The battle of the sexes doesn’t go to sleep at bedtime, and in fact, choosing a mattress may be one of the most contentious decisions made between couples – after all, the mattress you choose, while not quite as paramount as buying a home or car, is still pretty important since the average person spends […]
Preparing for Thanksgiving: Our Thanksgiving Dinner Menu Plan
Thanksgiving is less than a week away, which means that this weekend, we’ll be buying our turkey and all of our Thanksgiving dinner ingredients. Since we tend to serve pretty much the same traditional dishes each Thanksgiving, it’s not hard to plan our Thanksgiving meal and purchase our dinner items. I’ve already purchased a few […]
Fevers in Children: Learning to Cope & FAQs on Medications
Nearly eight years ago, as a new mom to an infant daughter, it was hard to know what symptoms were catastrophic and which were simply normal and part of everyday life for a newborn baby. When my baby girl would have a temperature above the normal 98.6 degrees I knew to be normal, it was […]
Saving Even More Money with Walmart’s BOGO Ad Match in Florida
Walmart has been matching local competitor ad prices for a while now, but in the state of Florida, Walmart is now also matching BOGO (buy one get one free) deals! I’m so lucky to live in Florida and be able to take advantage of this wonderful promotion, which was surprisingly really hassle-free to complete! I […]
Halloween Oral Care Tips for Kids
Tomorrow is Halloween and with the holiday, many kids all over will be feasting on Halloween candy and treats. It’s one of the few nights as a kid, where I remember being allowed to have more than one piece of candy in one sitting. Luckily, as a parent, I haven’t had to deal much with […]