Just in time for Earth Day is the latest installment in the Disneynature series, Bears. The nature documentary takes viewers on a year-long journey with a mama bear, Sky, and her two cubs, Scout and Amber. The trio embark on a treacherous trek across the Alaskan wilderness as they search for the elusive salmon run […]
Family Fun
Fun for the Kids and Family at SeaWorld’s Just For Kids Festival
Have your kids ever wanted to have a party with penguins from Antarctica or see Elmo and his Sesame Street friends dancing and singing in person? Well, activities like these and many others are available at SeaWorld’s Just For Kids festival. SeaWorld is continuing their 50th Celebration in 2014 with this fun, made-for-kids event. They […]
Captain America Returns in Action Packed The Winter Soldier
It may be spring, but a summer blockbuster is now in theaters. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the sequel to the 2011 film, Captain America: The First Avenger that introduced the superhero. While Captain America also appeared in the wildly successful The Avengers, it really isn’t until this film, that the Captain has firmly […]
The Muppets Return With More Mayhem in Disney’s Muppets Most Wanted
Now in theaters is the latest installment in the Muppets franchise, Muppets Most Wanted. The film takes place immediately after the events of the Muppets’ last adventure. And we do mean immediately after, as the opening scene takes place on Hollywood Boulevard where 2011’s The Muppets concluded. From there, the hilarity ensues as the gang […]
Disney’s Frozen, a Holiday Must See in 3D!
Once again, Disney has released another animated sensation – this holiday season don’t miss out on Frozen, out in theaters in 3D today! My nine-year-old niece and I had the privilege to view an advanced screening of the movie. We both love animated films and this was no exception. If you’ve ever wondered what it […]