As promised, here is the second part of my list of resources: Baby Food – they all mail (or email) coupons Nursery Water – Gerber – Beechnut – Gerber also has a separate site for their clothing items at Did you use the Nursery Water for your baby’s milk? Or, did […]
Mommy (and daddy) Resources Part I
Throughout my pregnancy, I collected a variety of websites that offer free information, newsletters, samples, coupons, etc. Some of them, I still keep up with as they also have great parenting information. Now that my sister-in-law is with child, I decided to compile a list for her so that she too can reap the benefits. […]
Ah, so that’s all I need to do!
I’ve been debating for some time now on just how I can become a WAHM so that I can stay home with baby girl. Never mind staying home with no income and living off my husband. That’s not feasible at this point. But, it also seems nearly impossible to be able to find steady work […]
Just how old is too old to have children?
I came across this posting at and then an article at about a 67 year old woman in Spain who gave birth to twins after undergoing fertility treatment (she is now the oldest mother on record). Now, I don’t want to be mean and I do think it’s great that this woman was […]
Success For Work At Home Moms
I have yet to find my calling/business for becoming a WAHM, but am working on it. Hopefully with the new year, I will be able to dedicate more of my time and effort to developing my business. Things are just too hectic right now with the holidays and such. However, I still like to be […]