If you have a toddler, you’ll probably agree that it can be hard to get him/her to eat a well balanced meal. You can easily get stuck in a boring food routine where you feed your little one the same food every day (at least it seems that way) because you’re just happy your toddler will eat […]
Baby Girl
Warning: Too freaking cute moment coming up.
Sometimes baby girl does the cutest, most adorable thing and it just makes us want to poke our eyes out from how freaking cute she is. Her latest game is to go around shaking our hands saying “ow err you”, which is 15 month old talk for “How are you?”. She’ll start with the person […]
Teaching Children to Stop
I read a good tip today over at The New Parent. If you get a chance, check out his blog. He has some really insightful posts and good advice. Well the tip today was on teaching children to stop when asked. Teaching them in much the same manner as teaching them how to chew, walk, […]
No leash for us
A few days ago, I posted that we were debating on whether or not we should use a baby leash on our lil monkey. Our decision? NO. It just seems too cruel. We’ll manage without. Thanks for your tips! technorati: safety harness, baby leash, parenting, toddlers, motherhood
Keep your child on a leash
Baby girl is now 14 months old (Just when do you stop counting the months?). Anyway, as a very active 14 month old, she naturally wants to explore. Problem is, she doesn’t exactly know her boundaries just yet. She completely ignores when we tell her NO and she runs away when we go to grab […]