As promised, here is the second part of my list of resources: Baby Food – they all mail (or email) coupons Nursery Water – Gerber – Beechnut – Gerber also has a separate site for their clothing items at Did you use the Nursery Water for your baby’s milk? Or, did […]
Mommy (and daddy) Resources Part I
Throughout my pregnancy, I collected a variety of websites that offer free information, newsletters, samples, coupons, etc. Some of them, I still keep up with as they also have great parenting information. Now that my sister-in-law is with child, I decided to compile a list for her so that she too can reap the benefits. […]
South Beach, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem – Oh what’s a girl to do?
Ok, so everyone seems to be losing weight, except for me of course. Plain Jane Mom is on the South Beach diet and has already lost 6 pounds! Oh, The Joys has lost weight with Weight Watchers. Some of the folks at my job have also started various forms of dieting and/or just eating healthy. […]
Just how old is too old to have children?
I came across this posting at and then an article at about a 67 year old woman in Spain who gave birth to twins after undergoing fertility treatment (she is now the oldest mother on record). Now, I don’t want to be mean and I do think it’s great that this woman was […]
Success For Work At Home Moms
I have yet to find my calling/business for becoming a WAHM, but am working on it. Hopefully with the new year, I will be able to dedicate more of my time and effort to developing my business. Things are just too hectic right now with the holidays and such. However, I still like to be […]