These days, I’m barely able to find a little quiet time for myself. Even with these 7 ways to squeeze in ‘me time’, I don’t always feel like I can make it happen. As the majority of you know, there’s a lot that goes into raising two kids, owning a business, and juggling all the […]
Blaming Sensitive Eyes for Crying
As women we tend to cry a lot. I know this is not true for all women; some women are able to control their tears quite a bit. But, in my family, we tend to be criers. It’s even been passed down to my baby girl. She and I tend to be pretty emotional and […]
Avon Celebrates 125 Years of Providing Women a Home-Based Business Opportunity
Chances are you’ve all had an encounter with Avon at one time or another. Whether you have sold Avon products yourself, know someone who does, or bought Avon products, surely Avon has crossed your path in some manner. For me, I believe my first Avon memory was created in Puerto Rico when I was a little […]
Not Much of a Woman – Es Poca Mujer
“Es poca mujer.” These were words I heard at various points growing up and that have stuck with me. Literally it means “she’s not much of a woman,” but the phrase is used to mean a woman is not strong enough or cannot handle a situation. For example, if a woman is unable to handle […]
Finding the Woman Within the Mom
My mami is a great mother. She raised three children, along with my father, during a time when there wasn’t as much “help” as there is these days. That is, she never read a parenting book or sought the advice of parenting experts. I’m sure her and her friends shared complaints and some advice with […]