I CAN.NOT believe Christmas is just 2 days away. And for us, really, the celebrations begin tomorrow. Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) is the day that we all get together and have our family get-together and big dinner. Good food, sharing memories from when my brothers and I were young, and creating new memories for my baby girl. I get to spend this time with my husband, daughter, and my parents. I love it.
I’ve never really taken count as to how much money goes into creating a meal for so many people. Even when I hosted Thanksgiving dinner at my house last year, I didn’t keep track; I just bought what I needed. But, I know that it can quickly add up. This year, I’m watching our money more closely and plan to do this even more so as 2010 comes around. One thing I’m doing to save money this year is buying presents for only the children in our family. The adults have agreed to this and it works out great for everyone, since it can be hard to find presents for grown-ups who already have a lot of things, anyway.
How can you save money with your holiday cooking? Well, Walmart is providing tips for cooking a Christmas Dinner for Eight for $30 as well as a New Year’s Party for Ten under $40. The Walmart Holiday Meals site has recipes from Food Network chef Aarón Sánchez with tips on how to create an affordable meal. The $30 Christmas meal for eight starts with the following ingredients:
- One 10-pound spiral cut half-ham
- Three 8-ounce cans Del Monte Green Beans
- One 10-pound bag of Russet potatoes
- One 12-count package of Sara Lee dinner rolls
- One 10 inch Pumpkin Pie
Aarón then takes these ingredients and spices them up to create dishes like Ham with Mango Jalapeño Glaze, Chipotle Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and Green Bean & Mushroom Picadillo. He does the same for the $40 New Year’s Party meal and even spices up Egg Nog to create a Coquito-like drink.
Want your chance to shop Walmart and create an affordable meal? Even if not in time for the holidays, you can always appreciate saving money when cooking.
We’re going to do a super-quick giveaway due to the time crunch. Two of you will win a $30 Walmart gift card.
How to Enter
If you’d like to enter this contest for a $30 Walmart gift card, leave a comment below sharing your own favorite holiday memory or your money-saving tips. (mandatory entry)
For extra entries:
- Tweet about this contest with a link back to this post and include @modernmami in your tweet. You must leave a separate comment with a link to your tweet for your entry to count.
- Subscribe to this blog via email and leave a comment with the email you used to subscribe. (You can use the email field to do this instead of putting your email in the comment if you prefer.)
- Subscribe on friendfeed and leave a comment with your friendfeed ID.
- Write a blog post on your own blog and link back to this contest page. Leave a comment with your post link.
All entries must be in by Saturday, December 26 at 11:59 pm EST. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry. The winners will be chosen using Random.org and will be notified via email. (Please be sure to provide a valid email address with your entry.)
Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Walmart. In addition, I received a Walmart gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate and two to offer as a giveaway.
Photos from Walmart Holiday Meals site
My entery is so close to the end
My favorite memory is when we were new parents and our daughter was not quite a year old. We set up the tree, surrounded it with a gate, and only put ornaments on the top half of the tree. We wanted to keep her from knocking over the tree and breaking all of the ornaments, but in retrospect, I think we went a little overboard. 🙂
I love combining sales with coupons.
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Go to the store with a list and a purpose. If you stick with the list and don’t buy any extra impulse buys, you will save money in the long run.
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We love to do appetizers on Christmas Eve for dinner.
I try and combine sales with coupons and rebates to get the best prices. A couple of our grocery stores also have free hams and turkeys for the holidays if you spend so much over a number of weeks leading up to the holiday.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/status/7001465774
Stock up on items that are on sale and use coupons. Try and combine this when manufacturers are offering cash back(get $5 back when you purchase $20 of products).
Playing with the kids on Christmas day when they are excited about a new gift or game they received.
My best holiday memory was getting married at Christmas time, 11 years ago.
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I preserve/can a lot of my food and make my own condiments so I don’t have to do much shopping for the holiday meals which is a tremendous savings.
My money saving advice for holidays is to allow all guests to bring something even if it is only sodas. Spreading the expense doesn’t leave anyone out much at all financially and gives all a good feast.
I love using coupons to save money!
I like putting up my little houses.
We always had Christmas at my grandparent’s home, so my favorite memory is sleeping in the living room on the couch my grandma made up for me, so I could be next to the tree on Christmas Eve.
I fondly remember the Christmas morning we found out I was pregnant with my son, and then sharing the wonderful news with family and friends that day.
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One of my favorite Christmas memories is my grandmother making delicious homemade cornbread stuffing for us all and giblet-less gravy just for me and Uncle Glenn (since I didn’t like giblets!)
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I have 3 different grocery stores close by so I watch their sales, use coupons, and know which items I use often are the best price at which stores.
Merry Christmas everyone.
My favorite Christmas memory is when I attended a friend’s party with my family in my old neighborhood and had Santa come.
My favorite money saving tip is to let someone else spend their
money and I get to save mine.
Always have a list and stick to it.
My best savings tip is to buy items little by little each week. This way you’re not hit with a big bill all at once. Also, use coupons whenever you can.
Thanks so much and Happy Holidays.
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Thanks again.
My favorite holiday memory is being crammed into Grandma’s roasting hot living room with the home movie camera light blinding our eyes. Good times!
Following on twitter as ky2here1, please follow back if you can.
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I buy my groceries(except the fresh stuff) weeks in advance when the prices are usually cheaper and shop 2-3 different stores. If I have coupons I’ll buy those products at the stores that double or triple them.
My favorite holiday memory is the family reunion time.
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my best tip is to shop around to get good sales
One of my favorite memories is watching my 2 year old son sleeping under the lit Christmas tree. It was such a precious sight.
My money saving tip is knowing what you’re going to buy.. and use coupons!
My favorite holiday memory is baking gingersnap cookies with my mom!
My favorite holiday memory is spending the holiday with my husband at a beautiful lodge.
definately combine coupons and remember that walmart will match any advertised price out there!!1 ::)
When my grandmother was still with us she had christmas eve every year and spent weeks making homemade tamales preparing for this special day
tvollowitz at aol dot com
@Stephanie V., Congratulations! You’ve won a $30 Walmart gift card. 🙂
my favorite holiday memory was when my sister surprised us by revealing that she was having a baby!
save loose change all year you’ll be surprized hom much you have saved at years end
My favorite holiday memory was baking christmas cookies with my grandmother on christmas eve. I was six years old and I remember decorating santas and christmas trees with colored frosting and colored sprinkles. What a fond memory of her.
My favorite holiday memory was when I was around seven, my uncle bought me a lion king inside tent. We set it up in the middle of my grandparents home and he read stories to my sister and me.
To save money buy off-brand food. It really adds up
Tweet http://twitter.com/Kisnowon/status/7010693815
I shop at discount stores like Walmart and Aldi’s- it saves money for groceries AND gifts!
When I first moved away from home, I was working, living along, and going to school. I came it from class one day to find my now hubby decorating “our” tree. He had bought a tree, ornaments, lights, and a topper to surprise me with.
Stay on a budget and make a list ,stick to it.
My favorite holiday memory was my daughter’s first Christmas. She was only 9 months old and so curious about everything.
My money saving tips are make a list and shop without the kids!
My favorite holiday memories involve making fudge and divinity with my Granny (God rest her soul). She would always go on and on about how my mom couldn’t make fudge-just chocolate soup.
My favorite holiday memory was finding that Santa had left a saddle under our Christmas tree.
Eating a big meal, Opening presents, watching “A Christmas Story” Sing a Christmas song or two, reading the bible story of “Jesus” birth and being glad that we still have family to celebrate with.
My favorite holiday memories are of my family all together; my garndparents and Mom and Dad and aunts and uncles, after a big potluck meal playing card games and “Liar’s Dice”. We used pennies exclusively in these gambling games, and coming out 47 cents ahead at the end of the night was considered a big win.
I save money by making a list, buying when the items are on sale and using coupons .
Invest 30 minutes of time into your meal plan. Know what you want, investigate the papers, match coupons to sales and buy more when things are on sale (with coupons). This tip works all year long!
the year we bought biked for the kids in an after xmas sale. we hid them out at the in laws for a year
I really miss the Christmas’ when all my children were babies and all the in-laws and grandparents were there. Oh! to go back for just a day! The look on their little faces at the gifts Santa brought them ,that were actually very inexspensive to anything these kiddos get today, so sweet! Spending time with those who have now pasted on–these would be some wonderful things to do over ! Thanks for the chance at the win!
Annette Anderson
buy only what you are going to use
My favorite holiday memory was opening up my stocking on Chrsitmas morning. I am 40, and it is still my favorite thing!
Alicia Webster
I don’t have any money saving tips because actually, I go pretty crazy at Christmas time. I love spending money on others. Thanks for the contest!
I miss the the days heading up to Christmas. All the baking of pies and Christmas cookies. Then the anticipation of getting together with parents, grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and all the fun opening presents together, then settling down to dinner. Usually a ham with all the trimmings. Nothing but fond memories!
To save money I use coupons and buy things when they are on sale.
Find places with good sales items.
The best prices at Walmart and coupons save me so much money in these hard times. Thank you.
Every year on Christmas Eve we have fondue. It is a once a year tradition and we all love it!
stick to your shopping list, don’t get drawn in by “sales”.
My favorite memory is spending Christmas with my husband. We sing hymns as we remember the reason for this special season.
I am very frugal for the holiday I make my own wrapping paper and every day I save money by saving the cold water from the tap in jug when I running it for hot water. Use it later to water the plants
I save money by not doing impulse buying
My Christmas money saving tip is to make a list ahead of time with everyone’s interests next to their name. Keeping track makes it easier to fall into unplanned shopping territory.
Am following on twitter @pelletposy
tweeted this contest http://twitter.com/pelletposy/status/7017082442
Happy holidays & thanks for the fun giveaway!
My favorite holiday memory was finding that Santa had left a bicycle under the Christmas tree for me when I was little!
When I met my husband I was surprised by their tradition of giving each other ornaments on Christmas year. This is one that has STUCK… my kids love it, in fact we just opened up our Christmas ornaments and enjoyed hanging them in special places on the tree. Whether its the Leg Lamp for dad, the Dogs barking Jingle Bells for Jacob, the Chocolate…Breakfast for Champions for Julia or the Delicate pretty ornaments that are chosen for me it is ALWAYS special…
one of my money saving tips, is to get all the sales ad, and make a shopping list from there.
my favorite memory is of mamking tamales with my mom and my grandmother every CHristmas.
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My money saving tip is to shop for Christmas gifts all year long and find things that are on clearance. The prices are higher at Christmas time and it is harder to find what I want.
tweeted http://twitter.com/carogonza/statuses/7004576084
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My money saving tip is to make a list and stick to it.
My favorite holiday memory is my daughter’s first Christmas. It was just kind of neat, as new parents, celebrating Christmas as a family for the very first time. 🙂 macd82 at gmail dot com
My favorite Christmas memory is every year we drove around on Christmas Eve to look at all the lights on the houses.
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This time of year, applesauce is less expensive than apples:
Applesauce pie is a good money saver:
To 1 quart of applesauce beat in 2 eggs and 1/2 cup rolled oats, add 1/4 cup flour and 1tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. allspice or applepie spice. Pour into 9 inck pie plate lined with pie crust, add a little grated nutmeg. Bake at 325 for 65min – filling should pull away from edges, middle should puff up. Serve warm.
To save money, I wrap gifts in newspapers and comic strips,
Email subscriber
My sister and I used to stay up late Christmas eve. We’d talk and be silly and every so often say “are you still awake?” I miss that.
monkey bread om Christmas morning
My favorite holiday memory is watching my children, laughing and jumping, as they wrap each others present trying not to give away the secret under their paper masterpiece. They mark and x on the calander as each day passes until Christmas day. The whole house is full of the anticipation.
My favorite memory is my whole family being together for the whole weekend, getting up Christmas morning in pj’s, opening presents together.
Our firstborn came on 12/21. When he was to go home from the hospital on Christmas eve day, the nurse brought him in in a huge red stocking. We still use that stocking every year as a decoration.
my fav holiday memory is we used to go over the grandparents house every year christmas day, they’re gone now and I miss them
My favorite memory is my father dressing up as Santa Claus every year. We knew it was him, but he still did it just for fun.
My favorite memory is my father dressing up as Santa Claus.
My favrite holiday memory is when I was six & we got into a huge family snowball fight..it waws so much fun….Thanks for the giveaway!
Watch for sales and then stock-up on the things you use a lot.
Coupons are good too.
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My favorite holiday memory was when I received a little electric organ as a child.
My money saving tip is for presents, shop clearance items year round and save for gifts
The absolute best tip I have for saving money is to simply not spend it.
Instead for the holidays, try MAKEing something that you know your loved ones will like. Write something, draw something, it’s up to you 🙂
I went ahead and blogged this giveaway here 😀
I just tweeted this giveaway 😀
My favorite holiday memory is watching my daughter open her first dollhouse.
My favorite holiday memory is going to my grandma’s house every year for Christmas. She always got us the one big thing we wanted that our parent’s didn’t get. She made lots of food and it was a wonderful day every year. I miss it very much.
I save money by shopping with sale ads and coupons.
My favorite memory is waking up at 4am with my brother and trying to sneak to see what was under the tree. My mom always caught us and told us to go back to bed until 6am!
My husband loves The Christmas Story and always watches it every over and over so one year my two girls got him a 25th
addition Red Ryder BB Gun and hid it behind the chair and told
him there was one gift left for him. He went to get it and he just loved it and they told him not to shoot his eye out. It wa such a fun Christmas I will never forget.
My money saving tip is that I use Sales papers ALOT during the holidays and make sure to try to buy all my gifts on sale.
Our first Christmas in a new home when my daughter was 4 is my best Christmas memory. She woke up that morning and came in to tell me to get up because Santa had come. Her little face was so full of awe as she stood there looking at her gifts clutching her teddy bear. She was not tearing into her gifts, just talking softly telling me what she saw. Beautiful!
my tip for saving money is shop with coupons whrn items are on sale and buy ahead so you never have to pay full price also shop sales racks
Watch for sales and then stock-up on the things you use a lot.
Coupons are good too.
My favorite holiday moment is ice skating with the family every year. It’s great!
My tip is to always shop sales and use coupons.
Money saving tip use coupons when ever possible
My money saving tip is to sign up for emails from your favorite store so you know the sales also use coupons whenever you can.
My money-saving tip is to make a list before I go to the store–and stick to it! I sometimes give in and buy and impulse item; but I know if half the stuff in my cart is impulse items, I am in for a rude surprise at the checkout!
Subscribed by e-mail. 🙂
We have a musical family, and every Christmas Eve we would all get together and sing and play Christmas music. Thanks!
pay for everything with cash – NO CREDIT CARDS!!
My favourite holiday memory is the annual celebration with extended family. One of the adult guests always dressed as Santa and circled the outside of the house, knocking on windows and exciting the kids. Then he would come in the front door with a bag of presents for everybody. He would greet and take pics with us all and then go back out the front door to go home to the North Pole. It was like Santa had been invited to the party and it was much more fun than meeting a mall Santa, even if we could all guess which of our relatives was underneath the costume.
My fav holiday tradition is making cocoa on Christmas Eve and watching holiday movies! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
My favorite holiday memory was when my cousin had the whole family over for Christmas dinner. She had put the thawing turkey on a high shelf in the garage to finish thawing. At bedtime, she put the BIG dog in the garage as usual. Christmas morning, she opened the door to the garage and there were shreds of plastic and pieces of bones all over the floor! The dog had gotten to the turkey and ate it up! lol! So there was no turkey for dinner, but we did have the fixin’s! lol!
One of my favorite memories is of an earlier Christmas with my daughter. Pocahontas was ‘the video’ at that point, and she was crazy about Meeko the raccoon. We got her a huge stuffed Meeko and she spent the day carrying it around – hilarious because it was at least as big as she was!
My money saving tip is to always clip coupons and watch the local sale papers to get the best deal.
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My favorite Christmas memory is of the family gatherings on Christmas Eve at my grandparents house.
My favorite memory is watching my son’s face at his first Christmas.
My favorite holiday memory is my first christmas that I shared with my boyfriend.
My favorite holiday memory would have to be going to my aunt’s house on Christmas Eve each year and falling asleep with my sister on the living room floor under the tree listening to Barbra Streisand’s Christmas album as the adults talked and ate in the next room — and being woken up by my parents when it was time to go home and wait for Santa. Those were simple times, and I love those memories!
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Buy your holiday meal ahead of time when products are on sale.
I blogged about the giveaway: http://slavetoacademia.blogspot.com/2009/12/30-walmart-gc-giveaway-at-modern-mami.html
My favorite money-saving tip for Christmas is to buy all year when I find sales, and get the best prices rather than waiting until the last minute and having to pay full price.
stop cooking, buy only things that are healthy to eat but that you do not like to eat, stop trying to get pleasure out of eating aand you will spend less and lose weight
I stock up when items are on sale and use coupons.
My money saving tip is to buy what you need, not what you want. Too many people overspend on mass market junk instead of buying only what they need. Ask yourself, do I have space for this, do I really want this, and can I afford this. If the answer to any of those is ‘no,’ then don’t buy it. Plain and simple. Save your cash for a rainy day.
My tip is to use coupons and comparison shopping. Also wait till the item is on sale.
To save money at Christmas, we shop the dollar stores for wrapping paper, bows, and gift bags. They each have different stuff, so if there’s more than one in your town, be sure to shop them all. You can get good quality wrappings at less than half the price you’d pay elsewhere.
My money saving tip would be to buy in bulk! Costco is the best but even Walmart now offers bigger quantities on items to save you money!
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Justine L Pierson
Money saving tip- start shopping the day after Christmas for the following year- and only buy clearance.
I stock shop and only purchase groceries at extreme sale prices combined with doubled coupons.
Money saving tip: Dont wate money on stupid toys that will be forgotten in a week (IE Zhu Zhu Pets)
I start my holiday shopping the first of the year and look for great sales and bargains all through the year, I’m usually done with shopping before Thanksgiving when everyone else is beginning!
My favorite memory is when my older sister got her very first job and saved up to buy the family that very first Atari. I was so excited to have the “it” present that year.
My money saving tip is to use coupons whenever possible especially if the item is on sale
Buy when items are on sale. I love Publix when they have buy one get one free. I always stock up. Thanks.
Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite money saving tip is shop the sales, price match at walmart, use coupons and buy paper goods from the dollar tree!
My favorite holiday dinner memories are sharing home-cooked meals with the whole family while my parents were still alive 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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Buy your holiday food RIGHT before the holiday. If you eat the traditional foods, they are ALL on sale the week before!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/bsw529/status/7042626154
Combine coupons and sales to get the best deals.
To save money I make a big pot of soup. This is filling and then I don’t have to serve so much other expensive food.
to save money I start my xmas shooping the day after xmas
I remember when my mother set up her video camera and recorded “santa” (my uncle dressed up as santa) entering our house and dropping off gifts.
My favorite thing about Christmas other than watching my girls on Christmas morning is Christmas Eve. The whole family gets together at my brother’s house on Christmas Eve. We let all of the cousins run around and play together. They then get to open gifts from the aunts, uncles and grandparents. It’s loud and messy but a ton of fun. Thank you and Merry Christmas!!
I remember when Santa brought me my very first bike. I remember it was stolen 2 weeks later too.
My tip is to check the clearance basket or shelves first before making purchases. I have been shocked how many times the perfect gift or food item shows up there, saving me a lot of money.
My best money saving holidat tip is to keep an eye on the sales and buy your gifts ahead of time. Thank you for having this giveaway.
litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com
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litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com
My money saving tip is to buy non-perishable things for the dinner ahead as they go on sale, instead of waiting until the last day or so before when you buy the fresh things. It saves money without the hassle of coupons.
My money saving tip is to make a list of what you are going to buy, budget an amount for each individual on your list – and stick to it. Even if you find what you were going to buy and its on sale – it doesn’t mean you need to buy more – use the left over or extra money for a rainy day expense.
My favorite memories are of holiday family reunions.
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!….would love to win…. =]
My favorite part used to be when Santa came to deliver the presents cause we had Santa actually come in person and we all had to do something (read a poem, dance and such) for each and every present to get them.
My memory is of my family Sitting around our old Aluminum Christmas tree, colour rotor wheel in full rotation, our tree filled with colorful bulbs of glitter and metallic and the Little Manger set underneath the tree in the living room, all the while listening to lovely Christmas songs and talking about Christmas and all.
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My favorite memory is having a big Christmas dinner with ALL of my family: parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles!
My money saving tip is I buy off clearance through out the year. Then when Christmas comes I am done.
My favorite Christmas memory was when I was growing up and our church did a nativity scene thing for Christmas. I got to be the angel and my mother made me a beautiful angel gown and halo. I loved it.! Thanks.
My favorite Christmas memories are of my whole extended family getting together at my grandparents’ house.
I shop some of the after Christmas sales and buy cards, wrapping paper, bows, decorations that I know I will need and save them for next year.
I would live to win because it would give my husband a brake in the kitchen!!
my money saving tip is to buy generic brands whenever possible
To save money on a certain item, sometimes the Brand’s Website or the retailer store can offer discounts to cash off coupons!
(a MUST around holiday events!)
My mother and father came to America from Ukraine and I remember an Xmas where she cooked a Ukrainian traditional Xmas meal (you had to wait until the first evening star came out to eat) and everyone was very happy!
I make meal menus when the grocery store ads come out. Then I make a list of what I need and I stick to my list while shopping.
My favorite holiday memory is opening presents with my family.
I love to buy things that are on sale throughout the year so it’s not so much money coming out at Christmas.
@Angie O, Congratulations! You’ve won a $30 Walmart gift card. 🙂
money saving tip- before grocery shopping look up printable coupons to use
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My favorite holiday memory from years past is going to the Christmas Eve service with my grandmother at her church. We were allowed to stay up late and go to the midnight candlelit service, and it was magical.
I never ever use a credit card for Christmas shopping. If I do not have the cash, I do not buy it. Then I don’t have the stress (and extra charges) of paying for it later. I always feel good on Christmas day knowing that I won’t be paying for everything for months to come.
I buy a few flowers at the grocery store and combine them with holly and pine clippings from the yard to make beautiful arrangements for my house for next to nothing.
my favorite money saving tip is to use coupons and shop at Walmart.
To save money I buy Christmas items after Christmas and save them for next year.
My favorite holiday memory is the year I got my first bicycle.
tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/7061126791
My money saving tip is to shop sales and use coupons when possible.
braaisjo at gmail dot com
i loved spending time with my grandparents.thanks
I buy most of my food items with coupons and sales. I put items in my freezer and watching expiration dates try to calculate in my head when I will use the item and the purpose.I allready have my coupon ready to buy next years turkey for thanksgiving as I have a non expiration date coupon.
To save money, don’t wait until right before the holiday to purchase your non-perishable foods. In the weeks before the holiday, look for sales and coupons to use.
too many memories to pick just one favorite!
One of my favorite memories is decorating the Christmas tree on my Grandmother’s birthday (Dec 12) each year.
My favorite holiday memory was the year my grandma had a family friend dress up as Santa and surprise my 2 days early with the toy I wanted!
I save money by using coupons. I also buy in store deals. I enter giveaways. I don’t eat out so much. I buy generic brands to save money.
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the best money saving holiday tip is to just mooch off of family
i shop on sale, save loose change, shop at goodwill
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Favorite memory would be was when my husband was alive, he would somehow make Christmas mkore “magical”!
My favorite money saving tip? Learn to make your own pizza! Take out is WAY too high when a bit of practice is all it takes to make GREAT pizza. I learned how using videos on youtube!
I use coupons. buy in bulk and buy store brands.
Money saving tip – start buying on the Black Friday Sales, and keep watching up thru the 1st of the year, so you can buy gifts needed for birthdays during the year.
Money-saving tip: Shop the sales! Stock up when prices are low and prepare meals from the stockpile.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/whatinabox/status/7065159691
Blogged: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/2009/12/gift-card-giveaways-week-of-1221.html
I used to love our trips to visit our grandparents for Christmas.
We love decorating cookies together!
I buy everything off-season (and with coupons!). I’ll buy all of my x-mas decorations today or tomorrow!
My favorite holiday memories are tied up with going to grandma’s along with all the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins.
I save money by shopping the sales and using my coupons. I do this all year too. I rarely pay full price for anything at the supermarket. It really does make a big difference. Most times, I cut my grocery bill almost in half.
My Holiday Saving Tip:
Shop off season during the extra % off clearance sales… I did MOST my shopping this way this year and didn’t feel the last minute panic of where am I going to get the $$! And it was nice to have all my shopping done WAY earlier than I normally would have.
Thanks to Walmart and ModernMami.com ~ Jes
Some of my fav memories include hearing Christmas stories before bed.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My favorite holiday memory happened yesterday when my grandfather gave me his fathers pocket watch as my Christmas gift.
I re-tweeted this…. http://twitter.com/packerfantimmy/status/7067172216
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Money saving tip:
Shop Walmart’s after any weekend for big savings on fresh produce. I go every Monday or Tuesday and not only do I save, it’s all the healthiest stuff.
Save your coupons for when a product is on sale….then you get double the savings
My money saving tip is get invited somewhere..or do a holiday where everyone brings something.
I remember the first peek at the Christmas tree as a child on Christmas morning and how completely magical it was!
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We break oplatek ( Christmas wafer ) before the holiday meal with each other!
Make a menu 2 weeks out(ahead) Then use your circulars to see whats on sale and make your menu from that. Your meals are planned and when you go to the store you don’t buy any extras, just whats on your list + you don’t have to go back to the store for almost 2 weeks!
Shop during sales, get stuff marked on discount when it’s ready to expire, and shop at scratch & dent stores.
My favorite Holiday memories are from when my parents were alive and we would all get together. Times have changes and people have moved and Christmas is no longer the same.
My favorite holiday memory is making marzipan together with my family.
To save money, I get Christmas paper goods and party supplies the year before when they go on sale right after Christmas.
My money saving tip is to buy in bulk and use coupons!
My favorite holiday memory is when my dad was alive and my twin sons were about 3. We were gathered at my mom and dad’s house and a friend of the family dressed up like Santa and knocked on the window outside. The boys got scared and sat on Grandpa’s lap. Dustin wasn’t really too scared but Travis was always scared of Santa, Chuck E Cheese and people dressed up like that. Now they’re 18 and it’s a nice memory. It seems like only a few years ago.
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Money saving tip: buy on sale, use coupons, don’t wait till the last minute to shop.
Would love to win this !!!!
I save money by staying out of stores. Thanks for the contest.
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My favorite holiday memory was seeing Santa at my grandmas house. My sister and I kept looking out the window after he left to see if we could see the sleigh.
blogged: http://slehan.blogspot.com/2009/12/holiday-wrap-up-contests.html
My fav memory was a few xmass past when I had the good fortune to share one last xmas with my grandfather. I will never forget it.
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I shop sales early & stock up on staples! I also make my cookie dough in early November and freeze. In December it’s super easy to thaw out & bake the cookies — less mess to clean up!
My favorite tip is to plan everything well ahead of time.
When you aren’t under the time gun it’s much easier to make decisions that fit your lifestyle and budget.
Our family always used to get together for holidays. These days, it’s pretty much just our immediate family as other people have moved away or are no longer among the living. I did like it when the entire family was together.
Thanks for the giveaway!
tweet: http://twitter.com/js22222222/status/7073468712
we save money on holiday meals by freezing left overs throughout the month and using them in appetizers and casseroles.
i buy grocery coupons on ebay..u can get them in lots of 200 for around 2 bucks.my store doubles so i save lots of money
My favorite holiday memory is the first Christmas I spent with my guy, and he surprised me with a little blue Tiffany box under the tree.
I stock up when stores have sales and pair it up with coupons for extra savings.
would love to win this
I like to look through the ads on Sunday and find the best prices on the items I need/want. Definitely shop the after Christmas sales too!
My money saving tips for the holidays are shopping the sales. Groceries are so much less expensive when you buy things on sale. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite holiday memory is watching the parade together!
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Stock up only on essentials when they are on sale
My money saving tip is to use coupons from online websites (they seem to have the best deals).
Thanks for the giveaway…for big Holiday get-togethers (this year) with all our friends, we usually assign a dish or beverage to each person, couple, or family to spread out the expense.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/brianpiero/status/7077234166
My money saving tip is to reuse gift bags whenever possible.
My money saving tip is to plan your menus around the sales ads as well as matching up coupons with the ads also for extra savings.
Hey I always shop on walmart because is cheap and the food is for me the best clothes is always cheap toys are cheap and now that I’m pregnant I go there to buy fruits and begetables because they are always fresh
I do most of my Christmas shopping at the grocery store. I buy special things my family likes that are practical and often on sale, and everyone seems to enjoy them. I got my son a case of Pepsi, my father his favorite ice cream and my brother-in-law egg nog, and they were all happier than if I bought a traditional gift item.
I tweeted.
My favorite holiday memory is going to my grandparents’ house for the holidays. The car trips always took place in the dark, and when we arrived, everyone would already be asleep! But the next morning, the fun would begin!
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My favorite memory is getting together with my extended family
My favorite holiday memory is my daughter’s first Christmas.
My favorite holiday memory was getting to go to Ruidoso for Christmas the year after my Mom passed away. Ruidoso was one of her favorite places. The whole trip was magical.
harleydreams2 at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday memory is from the last Christmas with my dad, who passed away in 1998. I remember we all met at his house to help decorate the Christmas tree and play games – something he loved to do.
Best holiday memory was making pies with my grandmother. She was great at doing that!
Tweeted – http://twitter.com/choochoo428/status/7080405728
My favorite memory is now from a couple of days ago when my one year old opened presents and gave us his first “Wow” when he saw his toys. Now we have a hard time stopping him from opening all the gifts!
My favorite money-saving tip is to combine coupons with sales when grocery shopping.
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I look at sale flyers online every week and combine with coupons 🙂
i save money by keeping a price book of all of the items that i buy so that i know i am getting a good deal. prices of items in the grocery store fluctuate and although a sign says sale it may only be 5 cents off of the regular price.
My money saving tip is to use coupons and shop at Walmart they have the lowest prices.
I have the guests bring side dishes so that I pay less for the meal, have more guests, and make them feel included.
I save money by buying in bulk like shopping at bj’s. Have two growing boys so I have to save money. Thanks.
My favourite holiday memory is sitting at home with the family after a heavy Christmas dinner 🙂
Coupons are my best friend during the holiday season!
I try to use coupons when i can!
i tweeted about the giveaway!
Be prepared to watch early sales to stock up on items( and save by using Coupons)
It allows me to share with needy families too!
retsbar2go AT gmail DOT com
Mine was going to my Grandparents on Christmas Eve Thanks. for the chance.