Eczema has been an issue in our lives ever since our baby boy was born. He has had dry, itchy skin since he was an infant and at times it has been a terrible problem, even causing his troubled areas to bleed from the scratching and dryness. Eczema is an ongoing battle that has its moments of being under control and moments of flare ups. Sadly, according to Eucerin, over 35 million Americans suffer from eczema and the condition can cause loss of sleep and inability to function in everyday activities due to the discomfort and frequent itching.
I’ve learned that the most important thing for eczema relief is to keep the skin moisturized, which means we constantly lotion our baby boy’s skin. We are also careful about which products we use on his skin, bathe him with fragrance-free, moisturizing cleansers, and use fragrance-free laundry detergent. Over the last two years, my toddler’s skin has improved significantly, but every now and then we still see flare ups of eczema patches on his skin. As I said, it’s an ongoing battle – one we hope will eventually go away altogether.
To help people with their eczema symptoms, Eucerin has a new line of products designed specifically for eczema relief. Eucerin Eczema Relief Instant Therapy Creme is fragrance-free, as well as free of dyes and steroids, so it is appropriate for use on both adults and children. If you’d like to try Eucerin Eczema Relief Instant Therapy Creme for yourself and add it to your ezcema skin care regimen, keep reading to enter the giveaway below!
Eucerin Eczema Relief Kit Giveaway
We want you to get some eczema relief for yourself or your family and continue to keep your skin healthy, so thanks to Eucerin, we’ll be providing one of you with a prize pack (similar to the one pictured above), which includes a sampling of Eucerin Eczema Relief products and a $125 Visa gift card! See giveaway details below.
How to Enter
Required entry: If you’d like to enter this giveaway for a Eucerin eczema relief gift pack and a $125 Visa gift card, simply leave a comment sharing more about your family’s challenges with eczema.
Extra entries (optional):
Each of the following will count as 1 extra entry. You’ll need to leave a separate comment for each entry.
- Follow @modernmami on Twitter.
- Tweet the following (1 time only): How do you combat #eczema? Enter to win @EucerinUS gift pack + $125 gc from #modernmami! #giveaway #SkinFirst
- Join the modernmami Facebook community and leave a comment saying you liked the modernmami page.
- Receive post updates by subscribing to our RSS feed. You can do so either via email or through a RSS reader. Leave a comment saying you did so or are already a subscriber.
- Write a blog post on your own blog sharing the details of this giveaway. Be sure to include a link back to this post. Leave a comment with your post link.
All entries must be in by Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST. You must be 18 or older and a U.S. resident. No purchase necessary. Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry. The winner will be chosen using and will be notified via email. (Please be sure to provide a valid email address with your entry.) Winner will have 72 hours to respond and claim prize, otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Prize will be provided and fulfilled by giveaway sponsor and modernmami™.com is not responsible for lost or damaged goods.
Photo: Sarah Reid/Flickr
finding lotions that don’t irritate it further.
My husband and son suffer from eczema. The hard part with my son is that he scratches himself a lot at night and it leaves scars
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Both my son and I have eczema. My son tends to get it more during the summer and winter months. I suffer from it all year long, on and off.
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I have a mild case and I find most hand creams too greasy so need one that does not get in the way of doing other things.
My mother, myself and my oldest son have eczema. I am anxious to try eucerin
roddjackson at hotmail dot com
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finding a product that works for everyone
My son has allergies and eczema. We’ve always used Eucerin to treat it.
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My daughter suffers from eczema on her back.
I follow on Twitter: @AnnFantom
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My son has eczema on the backs of his arms. Eucerin would be a big help on it.
My oldest son has really dry skin and we have him in wrestling. Since he has to shower after practice/tournaments we have to make sure we are lotioning him very well. Winter is our hardest time of year.
I get eczema really bad on my hands in the winter. I’m the only one in my family who has it. Eucerin has always helped.
twitter follower aes529
My son has eczema and we use Eucerin all the time
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no eczema
twitter: bleush
whole families suffers from it – adults and kids alike. must be in the genes that our skin needs some extra love.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
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I am pretty sure I have it on my foot and it’s been there since March but it’s not going away.
weve been lucky not to have any excezma!
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My Nephew has eczema and I know it’s hard for my Niece to keep lotion on,because he thinks it’s for girls!
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i have it 🙁
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My sister has eczema and my skin gets very dry and itchy in winter.
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I have eczema and I am prone to more flare ups in the winter months.
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My husband has it and is constantly scratching – hard to find anything that really helps it.
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I have eczema and it is a challenge. When it flares up it itches like crazy and is hard to get the itching to stop.
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Hairdressers refused to cut my sons hair when he was little because he had it on his head so bad
My last baby had it horrible, a friend gave me a small tube after I was telling her about it, I had no clue what to do. Eucerin saved the day!
I have the driest, worst skin of all time. Eczema, psoriasis. It’s so embarrassing!
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Me and My Mom Have Eczema on our Arms, Hands and legs. Its horrible. And we still have not found much relief from it. Would love to try Eucerin.
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My oldest son has eczema and the only thing that makes it go away is the prescription cream.
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My hubby’s eczema gets bad in the winter so we have to keep a check on that
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Thankfully I don’t suffer from eczema but my mother does. She has a difficult time finding products to help.
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every winter my son has it all over his legs
My daughter has eczema. It gets really bad in winter
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I follow on twitter as @dawnmonroe83
My granddaughter has mild excema and in the winter my dry skin is terrible. Its getting worse with age too.
skin tends to get too dry in the winter, moisturizer is a must
I’m the only one in my family who gets eczema, but I haven’t had too much of a problem since we moved to the West coast. It doesn’t get as cold or dry in the winter here. Thanks for the giveaway!
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I’m not sure if it’s eczema but my son gets really bad dry skin behind his ears.
My daughter gets it very bad. It is constantly an issue.
Thanks for the chance.
My husband suffers from this.
DDs’ eczema problems usually start during winter when their skin get very dry. We have to use heavy body cream, from Aquaphor to Euccerin body oil to soothe skin.
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correct link.
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My husband has a patch on his shin that has been there for years and will not go away.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
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My son and I have eczema – winter is really bad, I will scratch till my legs bleed
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My mom and daughter both suffer from eczema.
My mom deals with it on her face and neck while my daughter has problems with eczema on her neck, back and legs.
I follow via Twitter as jlsc123 (Jill Myrick).
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Our gal has a few sleepless nights with constant itching. We worry about infections with all the scratching. She doesn’t like to wear dresses above her knees when their is a flare up. I think it affects her self esteem sometimes. We remind her that she is beautiful
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liked the modernmami page.-Gumma Medlin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
My son has eczema on his arms and back. It really hurts him during the winter months.
all 3 of my children suffer from eczema. my oldest certainly has it the worst
I have very sensitive skin and I am a frequent handwasher. This leaves my hands prone to chapping and eczema, especially in winter. I’d like to try these products soon.
I follow you on Twitter. @4bluehouse
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my sister has eczema and her skin itches all the time. She has to use special lotions
Follow @modernmami on Twitter. @jtwark
My nephew uses a prescription strength lotion/balm to treat his.
Following on twitter (angelasbits)
My daughter has problems with it all over her hands and forearms.
my eldest daughter has excema on her hands. would love to win this for her
follow you on twitter @buttmuffin
Our biggest challenge is to avoid scratching so we don’t get scars.
I follow you via twitter – Imawinnertoday
i follow you on twitter.
my sister has eczema.
My wife suffers from this. I have tried to find all the things for her that might help, but the Eczema just comes back. Over the counter and prescription drugs help, but it just comes back. Soothing baths with all the different things I’ve read about.
Hoping that Eucerin Products are the answer for some relief.
My Granddaughter is 12. She has had to fight eczema all her life.
I Follow @modernmami on Twitter @007blond
I liked the modernmami page.(Priscilla Pursell)
My daughter has eczema on her side.we’ll have to try this to see if it helps.
I follow @modernmami on Twitter- @tlcfromtn
I have eczema on my hands. Eucerin is the only lotion that has ever worked for me.
I follow you on Twitter! (@tessas2000)
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I suffer and so does my little girl. She and I both have arm patches as we speak. I would love to win so that I can try this new therapy and also afford the co-pay to take her to the doctor for a possible new treatment. Thank you for the chance! This is really going to bless someone! To all of you who suffer, you are in our prayers. It can be awful!
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My son has eczema on his arms and legs.
I follow you on Twitter susan1215
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My husband has terrible skin issues especially in the winter months. We will definitely be trying Eucerin.
My oldest son has battles Eczema since he was an infant. I have tried numerous products on his skin but none of the completely clear it.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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We just learned that our 5 month old grandson has eczema. I know how hard it is to keep skin moisturized. Thanks
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My cousin has been struggling with it her whole life and she is really embarrassed by it.
twitter fan bbrittbrat1398
All of my children suffer from some degree of eczema however my daughter suffers the most. She gets regular outbreaks that we have to treat with prescription creams. I would love to find products that could help prevent these outbreaks.
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I get eczema on my feet so bad that my toes bleed. It makes me miserable.
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I developed hand eczema this year for unknown reasons. It doesn’t seem to want to go away.
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I get it on my shins and the Eucerin calming cream has been good for it.
Thanks for the contest.
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i receive your emails Katiesmommy1 at
My teen daughter suffers with Eczema on her arms and legs. Her skin gets raw and sore.
I follow modernmami on twitter @smilekisses
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I don’t have Eczema but my middle son and my husband has it and it gets really bad in the winter.
I Follow @modernmami on Twitter. ladyt64
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I struggle with it when it flares up once in a while. I have gotten it all over my face before. 🙁
Thanks for the chance to win!
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i don’t know if it is eczema or not, but my daughter’s hands get all dry and red and sometimes chapped/cracked in the winter
I am pretty sure I have it on my hands. I have yet to find anything that helps. I haven’t tried Eucerin though.
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
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my challenge with eczema is bad in the winter. I have a patch on my elbow, no matter how much lotion I put on it, it just stays rough.
thisisme79 @ gmail dot com
follow you on twitter from @mistysunrise
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I have really sensitive skin due to it, and finding lotions that don’t make it worse, IMPOSSIBLE!!
I Follow @modernmami on Twitter under @mya98604
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My grandson suffers with it!! Its always on his arms and belly! I always feel so bad for him but we try to keep it moisturized!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
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My daughter has a severe case and sometimes has to use prescription products for her shoulder, back and buttocks
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot cm
Congrats! You won!
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My mom has eczema.
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My mom has suffered from eczema for as long as I can remember – it gets especially bad on her elbows and upper arms. I hate to see her have to struggle with it!
I follow @modernmami on Twitter: @guettel78
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my husband has really bad eczema, we have tried so many things, i hope to win so we can see if this works
I have super dry skin and it gets a lot worse in the winter and Eucerin is the only thing that really helps.
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My daughter gets eczema
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Thanks for the giveaway… my wife has recurring Eczema on her hands, elbows, & torso.
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I follow on twitter as @ShannonAnne23
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I have been dealing with excema all my life, my hands and feet crack and bleed and are so itchy. I have passed it on to my son’s now my oldest being the worst. He has so many “itchy spots” that he is constantly scratching and picking at his skin year round. I really want to try this to see if it works!!
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Find the product that will help the most and healing
I am the only one that has a problem with it. I want to give Eucerin a try. Sounds like it is pretty effective
brich22 at earthlink dot net
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I have eczema that can be really painful on my palms. I’d love to find something that can eliminate the pain.
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My youngest grandson had eczema pretty bad when he was a baby, but now at 6, he’s “outgrown” it…thank goodness.
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