Disclosure: As a Nintendo Brand Enthusiast through Brand About Town, I received a copy of the Wii Fit™ Plus game and the opportunity to host a Wii Fit Plus yoga party free of charge. No other compensation received. In addition, Nintendo has given me a Wii™ system and the Wii Fit Plus bundle (Balance Board™ & game) which I am giving away for this contest.
A few months ago, a few of my friends and even some family, got together on a Sunday morning and headed downtown to have a Wii Fit™ Plus yoga party. This was my first duty as a Wii Fit Plus Brand Enthusiast. It’s such a hard job. I swear. Ok, fine, I can’t lie. I just get to have fun and bring you along with me for the ride.
I wasn’t sure what to expect since all I had been told was that we’d have a yoga session and get to learn about the new features of Wii Fit Plus. I already owned Wii Fit™ and loved it, so I was excited to get together with friends and do some yoga together. When I arrived, I started giggling like a school girl when I saw this:
My husband rolled his eyes so far up that I’m surprised they didn’t get stuck in the back of his head. My mom on the other hand, giggled along with me. She’s awesome.
Once inside, I couldn’t help but keep smiling. The set-up was NICE! There were cushions, yoga mats, and 10 TV/Wii Fit stations with each one having a Buddha statue and candle underneath. It was very peaceful and soothing and the party hadn’t even started. There were also the most adorable fruit smoothies in shot glasses, which was good because many hadn’t eaten breakfast. The guests, I mean. Not me. {ahem}
Our party started with an awesome trainer guiding us through the new options of Wii Fit Plus and later showing us some yoga poses that we’d try out as a group. What I love is that you can now create your own exercise routine, track your calorie burning, and customize your workout based on what you ate. Then we broke out into partners.
We saluted the sun.
We were trees.
We were warriors.
After a break for lunch, we had a chance to play the new balance games. I love love love the Rhythm Kung Fu and Rhythm Parade games. I also like the multiplayer function that’s now available. Add some mimosas to the party and we definitely had a fun time trying to balance ourselves.
It was a lot of fun and all who attended had a great time. We all want to know when we can have another party! 😉
Oh, and did I forget to mention that all attendees received their very own Wii Fit Plus bundle? Imagine their surprise when the boxes came out!
Thanks Brand About Town and Nintendo for the awesome party and opportunity to share with friends and family! The trainer and entire team were wonderful and need to come to my house to make sure I work out regularly. Just saying.
Now for your very own fun!
You too have a chance at trying out the new Wii Fit Plus and its features! One of you can win not only the Wii Fit Plus bundle with a board, but also a Wii SYSTEM. The winner will receive both. That’s right ladies and gentlemen…LOVE ME! 😉
Find out how to enter…
How to Enter
- If you’d like to enter this contest, leave a comment answering the question: “How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
All entries must be in by Monday, April 5 at 11:59 pm EST. The winner will be chosen using Random.org and will be notified via email. (Please be sure to provide a valid email address with your entry so I can contact you.)
Additional Contest Rules
- The prize will be awarded together as one gift to include (1) Wii system and (1) Wii Fit Plus to a single individual.
- Contest is only open to U.S. residents over the age of 18.
- Contest is not open to my family members and/or Nintendo employees.
My now 3 year old daughter loves to dance and practice yoga moves with me. I would use this as a part of our party/exercise time. A new way to bond with her.
I LOVE Wii Fit It'll help me fit more fit in by being able to practice Yoga every morning
I would love to have something to use to work out at home. It would also be fun to do with my hubby!
I usually use the Wii Resort games as a workout, but would love to opportunity to use this. I tend to get my workout in while my son does his homework after dinner
I'd get up super-early in the morning (around 6:30 AM) so I could exercise with the Wii Fit before leaving for work. It's the only time of the day where I'm not working and I'm not exhausted.
Thank you very much for the giveaway!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
I like to get up with the chickens to enjoy a quiet house. Can't imagine a better time for Wii Fit yoga! Thanks for the fabulous contest!
Me! Me! I desperately need Wii Fit Plus system! Why? Cause I NEED to loose 30 pounds, all accumulated by my last 2 kids and lots of chocolates. How will I fit some fit in with Wii? By having my 4 kids join me on each and every session. This way, I won't get interrupted a million times, as they normally love to do when I'm having fun, or on the phone. If I win, we will eventually have a fit family — I will even include my hubby!
Yes..yes! I want this bad! The reason I want it is because the only way I'll get any work out time in anymore is if I'm doing it at home. I miss my regular yoga classes, and this might motivate me to do it from home. Plus, I just want one!!!!! 🙂
I'm ready to ;lose some weight after having a baby!! It's been 6 weeks and I am 15 lbs over my regular weight. The Wii fit plus is an excellent motivation and help!!
I am already up at 5:15, way before the kid and husband, so why not Wii instead of get online? Plus, when the kiddo wants TV after school, this is what she could get! Great giveaway.
I really need to get back to a fitness routine. I would definitely use this for the yoga. I love doing yoga and need to get back to it.
Wow what a great way to get back into exercising. I would use the Wii Fit Plus whenever I got some down time.
cdziuba@aol.com I'm so out of shape it would let me work out in the privacy of my home instead of in front of people.
I have a baby girl and she giggles when I jump around, so I would use the Wii Fit to get in shape and amuse her at the same time.
I need to be able to work out at home cause who can afford a gym membership?
I also need to loose those “unwanted” pounds!!
I would love to have a schedual of working out and I think this would help me fit working out into my routine because I could do it anytime if I am running late it wouldnt matter because its waiting at home for me!! No excuses of the gym being closed:)
Oh, how I have wanted one of these! We don't have a TV, so I can't do the workout DVD's and our gym's schedule is such that the childcare provided is never at appropriate times. So, I have a really hard time getting a workout in.
We do have a projector here, and I know it works with the Wii cause friends have brought theirs over to play. My hope is to get a Wii with Wii Fit so I can workout at home!! I have heard such amazing things about it!
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I would use this as a way to get “fit” with my familia! My hermana and my mama!
Plus… I need to work off some “llantitas” on my own!!! (O:
How will I fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo? my husband and I had decided to get up at 6 and work out together, of course if the kids are up, they can join the fun and learn that exercising is a good thing.
Thanks for this giveaway, I need it bad, I cannot keep pretending my “llantitas” are baby weight, my youngest is over 2 years old!! 🙂
I'd get a bunch of my friends together for Wii Fit parties on the weekend, and I'd definitely use it when the weather's too gross to go out for a run or to the gym.
I go swimming 3 times a week, so this won't help me there. But it will help me on the other 4 days a week at home. Thanks for the contest.
I go swimming 3 times a week so this can't help me there. But it will sure help me get fit the other 4 days of the week. Thanks for the contest.
I am going to find a way to use wii I am tight for money or I would have bought it!
Wow! I would love to win this! I would be able to fit in some “fit” while my baby is napping! =) Awesome giveaway!
I'll dedicate time on the weekends to fire up the Wii & Wii fit!
OMG I wish I could have partied with you!
It is hard to fit it in! I think using the Wii is better because I can't use the weather as an excuse. I'd love to get up ahead of my early-risers and do some Wii Yoga.
I would fit in Wii fit with my 2 year old and 4 year old doing it right along side me.
was so excited when i received your blog email about this giveaway!!!!have a daughter and granddaughter that live about 3 hours away and are always calling me while they are taking turns with their Wii fitness system!.. I hear all the laughing in the background. would love to challange them myself from afar. Also would love to have the system for pilates and yoga gentle stretches…
I want this system . Everyone says that it is healthy exercise. I am a mid aged woman with severe rhumatid arthritis. It is hard for me to exercise. If you are using this for yoga. Then It must be good for the body. I want to loose weightand improve my health and joint function. I need to get fit on my own pace. This is the way do it. Help me get healthy
i would do this with my boyfriend to fit some fit in!
This would be a great way to exercise at home while my kids are napping:)
I would love to use this as soon as I get the okay from my doctor at my post 6 week check up! I'm due (today actually) with my second (and last) child and am very motivated to get rid of my baby weight as soon as I can. My daughter (2 years) would love to mimick me as I do it!
I would use it to work out and hang out with my son at the same time! He thinks when I excercise it's hilarious so I'm sure he would be amused at this while I get to lose some weight!
i would work out soo much more at home if i had a wii fit plus! cuz it make is FUN to work out!
I'm not athletic at all and my husband is so this would be perfect for us to work out together! Thanks for the chance 🙂
I would love to try Wii Fit and with my fiance, try something new for both of us. A little competition with him will help me fit some fit in the morning!
I am going to have to get up early to fit in some Wii Fit. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I will have to get out of bed early to get fit with Wii Fit Plus. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love a chance to use this system. I'm having a baby in May and am looking for some new ways to ease myself into an exercise routine after he joins our family – without having to pay a gym membership. This would be the perfect thing to use!
I just started going back to school… and the freshman 15 is an issue the 2nd time around! I would love a wii fit plus to use during study breaks!
i would love to win this i really want a wii so i can work out with the wii fit plus
i love yoga and can't wait to try the wii fit yoga! glad you enjoyed yourself!! how do i sign up??? thx!
I would use the Wii Fit to fit some fitness into my schedule by exercising with my friends when they come over!
jeford2012 (at) gmail (dot) com
It will finally be easy to get fit while the kids take nap, and be fun too!
I will finally be able to get fit while the kids are asleep!
I will fit the Nintendo Wii Fit in to workout and lose weight while my kids are in school.
I've been having issues with my hip feeling tight. If I had to guess 'd say it's from sitting at the computer all the day. I need to get back into the habit of yoga and pilates so I don't make it worse.
I will have no excuse not to fit the fit in because it will be available any time of the day! No excuses!
This would be AMAZING. I would fit more fit by being able to to wake up early and exercise before the kids wake up in the comfort of my own house. I don't own a Wii and have wanted a Wii fit forever. I don't go to the gym because I have two small children and I would love to work off the left over baby belly. 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
This would be AMAZING. I would fit more fit by being able to to wake up early and exercise before the kids wake up in the comfort of my own house. I don't own a Wii and have wanted a Wii fit forever. I don't go to the gym because I have two small children and I would love to work off the left over baby belly. 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
I can't delete my entry and I forgot to include my email so i'm going to leave it again with my email. Please delete the last one.
I will use the Wii Fit system to lose some weight! A friend of mine had Wii Fit once and I played it with her, and it was a lot of fun 🙂
Since this looks like allot of fun it should be easier to make time to try to get fit!
i would use this with my husband taking turns on it
I would use if before I go to work to help give me energy for the long workday. I always feel so great when I work out but sometimes I just don't want to go to the gym so this would be great to have so I can work out in the privacy of my own home!
I would fit this into time after my kids get home from school and are doing homework. Gives me some time while they are busy.
I will be using this at least 3 – 4 times a week. My daughters will probably do it with me
OH my gosh! How? Well, I'd have that sucker plugged in and ready to go. I have every intention of getting in some super shape this spring!
I could use Wii fit to help me along the way!
I would fit it into our daily exercise and yoga time with the kids
I'd use that bitty bit of time after the boys leave for school and I have to start getting ready for the day.
I would definitely use the fit system to exercise with my baby! Burn off this baby weight lingering 😉 I would strap him down in the Bjorn and yoga my mommy booty off!!
thefarrellfam [at] gmail [dot] com
I would make it a fun family time, getting my wife and boys involved and make getting in healthy shape a fun together time!
I would fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo by hooking it up to the TV in the garage we converted into a den where there is lots of room for my husband and I to have some fun and exercise together after dinner every evening.
oh wow, having the wii fit would be lovely, it would fit in great during the weekends where there is nothing to do. What better than to get active and actually get some exercise in?! I'm sure all my family would love it and I know I would too!
I would fit in some fit time while my son naps!!
If I win the Wii Fit then I can work out early in the morning when I have the most energy and not at nite when I come home dragging from work!
My hubby and I play Wii in the evenings together. What a great way to get fit and have fun!
I would fit in some wii fit in between getting the kids off to school and running my daily errands!
I am a college student, so any extra time to exercise is always welcome! I would put it in our living room and work out with my roommates!!
I could do this in the morning before my shower (not like going to the gym, which I can't seem to do before work!)
I'm home alone all day, all week. After having cancer (in remission since 03) then being diagnosed with dejenerative disc disease AND neurofibromatosis, II feel like I'm withering away and gaining weight from meds. I thought the Wii Fit Plus would be a great way to do some exercises, have fun, without having to pay to go out and try to keep up with a group. This would be fabulous to get me going at my own pace and enjoy the health benefits! (Hope to see Miami one day!)
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I will fit some fit in because of my recent diabetes diagnosis, and it's also another way for me and my four year old who wants her mami dance with her everyday.
I would love to win this for hubby and I. If we can work out together and do something fun then I believe that will motivate us to get healthy. The best time will be before lil man wakes up in the am to fit a workout w/wii in!
I would use this in the evening to work off the “baby weight” 18 months later!
Since becoming a stay-at-home mommy to three…with my youngest having a terminal condition…workout time is minimal. I look forward to the opportunity to utilize this fun, workout time with my older girls who have to sacrifice so much in order for their little brother to get the extra care he needs… and at the same time, can utilize with my son by finding ways to work play therapy in to a routine with Wii.
I'd love to win because it would help me fit in fit by working out at home which keeps me close to baby
Wow! What a generous giveaway! Our family already has a Wii, so I would donate the actual system or allow you to offer it to another of your readers. I have however wanted a Wii Fit balance board since it was an original Wii Fit, not the plus. Right now, I walk about 7 miles every other day(I'll probably ramp it up to every day once it gets nicer). If I won this I'd probably wake up early and use the Wii Fit for an hour to start my day and push my walks back to evenings. I'd use the Fit to keep track of my calorie consumption to hopefully keep the weight I have creeping up on me at bay(I always seem to hit my max weight for my body frame each winter and it gets harder to take off each spring.) I'd also like to see my four children be a little more active with the video games(as in moving around which was why we got the Wii to begin with). They play Wii sports but use the Wii usually for games like Zelda or Sonic. Perhaps with the board I can get them a little more interested in the games requiring activity.
I would love to win this. I have been wanting the Wii and the Wii Fit for a very long time.
I would use this to excercise at home with my son to get in some very needed excercise.
I would love love love to win a wii fit bundle prize. I have a 2 year old daughter and finding time to workout is hard but being able to be home and have her watch me will inspire me to workout. I have only heard good things and will really put it to good use. Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!!!
this would be a fun way to involve the whole family in a new 'get fit with wii' regime
I would love to use it to fit it early morning or evening exercise once the kids are asleep.
The Wii Fit would be a great way to work out in the morning before the kids take over. Hard to get to the gym when there is so much to do
I always get up early in the morning or maybe have the family join me
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
OMG, that sounds like such a fun time! I currently take yoga on Friday mornings, but would love to fit in more yoga time in the evenings at home since I'm such a night owl!
I am the BIGGEST procrastinator when it comes to working out! I hate the humdrum routine of a treadmill! The WII Fit Plus from Nintendo would completely motivate me to workout AND have fun while doing it. Plus, anything that would present the opportunity for the entire family to workout and have fun at the same time is definitely a keeper!
It will be fun excercising with my kids!
I would use the wii fit to exercise alone or with my playgroup. We have 118 moms in the group and it could be great for a moms night in of fitness. I am pretty ashamed of the way I look and rarely allow myself to be photographed since I had my twins in 2008, we had a loss in 2007 and I retained the weight from the loss and from the twin pregnancy and c-section. I absolutely hate the way I look. I am bigger than I have ever been in my life and it is humiliating. I definately could benefit froma wii fit!
It would also be neat to entertain my 10, 11, and 14 year olds with on rainy days.
I exercise some by putting on some rock music and dancing. The Wii system would help me to keep motivated to exercise 🙂
A Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo would let me fit in some fit time before work in the morning. There just isn't a gym that opens early enough for me to get there, work out, and get ready for work in time to exercise before work. With kids, evenings are hectic so I need to find a way to exercise in the morning.
I would fit yoga and dancing more into my daily routine and save money rather than get a gym membership.
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
After my kids go to bed, instead of going right to the couch – I will use the Wii Fit!!!!!!
I would use the Wii and the Wii fit plus instead of sitting in front of the computer in the morning before the kids go to school
I would use this as a new fun way to exercise with my mom and sister!
I will fit in some fit by making this part of our family time a few days a week. My preschoolers love to exercise with their momma & papi, and this would be a great way to make that happen!
I would love to win this Wii System with Wii Fit!!!! I do not exercise, but I want to. This would be such a fun way to get fit without even knowing you are working out. I have seen them sell on the shopping channels and it looks so fun!!! If I had the money I would have already bought one. I need some sort of exercise for my health, I think this would be perfect!!!! Thanks for the chance!
If I have to lock my kids down in the dungeon so I'll have time I WILL get fit this spring! I recently ordered a pair of jeans online in the size I've been in for 10 years and they DONT fit! (and their a brand I've worn before) so either the brand playing an evil joke on me or I need to start a fitness program a.s.a.p!!
I will try to do so Wii fit each day. It will allow me to exercise each evening after the kids are in bed without leaving the house.
I know my kids would have fun watching me jumping around and then as soon as they hit the hay, I would turn it on and enjoy not only exercising, but unlocking new levels. jilllear@hotmail.com
I have a 2 year old and a brand new baby so I would use the time hte little guy is napping to “play” with my 2 year old while working off that baby weight.
I would use the Wii Fit in the morning when my daughter goes to school. That way my husband and daughter could play games on the Wii in the evening.
My kids are way too into video games. With Wii and WiiFit Plus, we could all get in some exercise while playing together.
I'll fit in some time in the a.m. with my morning coffee– I'm too tired after work! h mc naron at gma ildot com
We'd love to get a Wi for our family. This would be a great way to do something fun and healthy with our kids enjoying it also.
I would fit in wii fit with my kids, it will give me a chance to work out and spend some fun time with them!
the more fun instead of exercising will fit it in regularly with the kids
I would be able to use this in the afternoons while everyone's gone. It would give me some me time to get fit.
I need to lose the baby weight and look fabulous for summer.
I'd get my Wii Fit on in the morning after everyone else cleared out. At least until I can reliably not fall over at least 75% of the time 😉
I'll make time for it in the morning and then let my kids enjoy it later on. Our Wii system broke last year and we miss it terribly!
I will fit some time in to use my Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo during the afternoon, by spending less time watching TV. I could use it to get in shape after losing 30 pounds & am in much need of some toning up.
The Wii Fit Plus will allow me to get fit with my children….they will love the idea of “playing a video game” with mom!
Thank you. 🙂
I will fit some wii in by doing my exercise in the late evening.
I would get up a little earlier and do it in the morning. gbloganx@aol.com
I work many hours a week; Wii Fit will allow me to workout – get more fit on my time frame not the gym's… 🙂
This is a great giveaway.
This will help my family get into shape, working out at home.
i will fit fit in everyday it would be much easier to do with kids because they would like to do it to
I plan on fitting in the fit, after I have my daughter (hopefully in the next two weeks), by exercising at night after the kids go to bed. This will be my 6th child (first girl! Woot! lol), so I definately could use this. lol
I would use the Wii Fit when I am unable to go to the gym because of bad weather and to create something the whole family can enjoy.
Me and my daughter are both overweight and really need something like this to get us motivated. Thanks for the chance!
I'll take some free time and exercise with my new wii.
We would fit some wii fit in when we get home from work before supper. I think the wii fit would be great for me and my wife!
I will play it with my kids who love to beat me playing video games.
It will make it like playing a video game to work out, which would be super motivating and helpful.
This would be awesome for the days that I am unable to make it to the gym.
I would squeeze it in after work
I'd use the Wii Fit after my son FIRST gets home from Pre-K to get my fit in. He's super hyper and it's a perfect time to get our “groove” on. LOL
I'll use it to help me train for running.
I am fat and would like a wii fit so that i can correct my fattness!
I would workout every morning after hubby leaves for work, sneak in another workout in the afternoon and beg and plead to get him to work out with me when he gets home. 😀 I have been wanting a wii and wii fit for soooooo long!
I'd workout with my husband after dinner which is the time I want to take a nap.
I will use it in the morning.
I would use/fit this in with my daily walks and Shred workouts!
Hugs and Mocha,
i like the fact that you dont have to leave and do things in front of people..can do it anytime of day..
I would love to fit this into my life. I would do it every day as a workout with my son. We both need to get in shape and lose weight. I would really enjoy it.
It will help me work out at home. I don't go to gyms because I am self aware of my jiggling.
I live in a pretty small house, and can't do aerobics tapes because there's no room to move. With Wii Fit, I could exercise right in my living room any chance I get!
I will fit some fit into my life right after I drop the minions off at school and the house is quiet and no one is around to judge or laugh at me. Except for my new Wii and Wii Fit Plus!
Wow, this is truly such a blessing! I believe that so many people could become healthy and get down to a healthy weight if they had their own Wii. I'd love to win this! Ill fit it into my life in every way possible. This Wii Fit system would also be great to home bound people who are disabled! My mom is disabled, and cant always leave the house. She gets depressed because of her health, and though she wants to exercise, she doesn't get the chance to get out and do it. This would be amazing for her! If I win, I would love to give this to my mother don't worry, she'll let me use it too!). I'd love to help her lose weight and become healthy, her disability makes it difficult at times, but I know that if she had a way to start exercising slowly at home, at her own pace, she would benefit from it so much. Thank you so much for this chance to win, we would be blessed to win this!
I would use it in the morning before work so I could have energy for the day
every night when i go to bed i would do this! greaat giveaway!
I will fit some more fit into my life with Wii Fit by exercising first thing in the morning. Even though it's a pain to get up earlier, my day is always better knowing I've accomplished something, and gotten my workout out of the way for the day!
With our children, I usually don't have time to exercise; but with this, my children would be preoccupied with watching it and trying to go along with it, I would have the time.
I will fit more wii fit into my day by subtracting a half hour (at least) of evening TV time to add wii fit time!
i'll fit in some fit time while my kids are at schoo
I would use it downstairs in our rec-room after work each day. I get off work at 3:00, so I could exercise for awhile before starting dinner, etc.
I will fit in some Wii Fit Plus by doing a routing as soon as I get home from my college classes
constancelavery at msn dot com
I'd love to have this. It would be so easy to workout from home while my oldest son is in school and my youngest is napping. I've got some baby weight to lose!!!
Though I get an hour's exercise walking the dog each day, it is not at my pace and all the “stop and sniff breaks” do not count as cardio-I need sweat and fat wrenched from my body.
I'd fit Wii in every morning after the kids have gone to school. This could really turn my health around.
With 3 little girls at home who love yoga poses, we would turn our living room into a mini-yoga studio and have lots of fun practicing!
I would use it in the morning before work.
I would use the wiifit during the day, when everyone is gone and I can have some time to myself to get back in shape!
I'll “fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo” by actually scheduling in the time every morning, getting up an hour early if I have to do so.
I was gang raped and still need to work on both muscle and joint range of motion along with some strength rebuilding. It is hard to get motivated, at home, to do the exercises alone. I've often thought that the Wii Fit Plus would be an ideal addition to my exercise routine, but I could never afford to get one on my own. Winning this giveaway would help to pick up my spirits and moods because PTSD is not easy to live with.
I will easily fit it in because since it's a game, it will be fun to get in shape.
I would get my wii fit on in the morning before my kids get up!
I would love to win!
I would love to have a way to exercise at home. I can have my husband join me. We both need to get rid of some extra blubber! lol
We have just moved into a new home, and our bedroom has only a bed, no other furniture and lots of floor space. Our old TV is in the wall, and I am ready to make this room into my WII exercise room.
Id fit it in the am before work
It's so hard to stick to a fitness routine. A Wii would make working out more convenient and fun, and I think it would help me stick to my routine.
I never exercise because I don't have a lot of time or energy and I am too embarrassed to go to a gym. We have a Nintendo Wii and I could bring this in my room and use the Wii Fit to exercise every single day and finally be healthy.
It would be a great way to lose some calories while having fun at home
I will workout at home more often
Boy do I need this, it has been a long winter with limited exercise, I would use this every morning!
Our whole family can have fun while exercising… We'd love to win!
“Wii” would use wii fit most especially during our long cold New England winters to keep my kids active throughout the day. Because we homeschool, we don't always have the option of “Gym”, and while my oldest is very active, step-dancing 2-3 times / week, the middlest and the youngest, (And yes… Mom….I'm not a “Gym” sort of person, myself) could use something a little more organized when we can't be outside having fun.
I'll use the Fit every evening to get in my daily exercise.
The thing about Wii Fit Plus is you don't feel like you're exercising when you use it. I've played it at my parents house and it is way too fun to be exercising!! The greatest part is it's easy to use and tons of fun to see your improvement!
I would love to be able to incorporate a workout into my daily schedule at home. The Wii seems like just the thing to accomplish just that. It would be so wonderful to start my day with yoga right in my living room!
I would be able to hopefully fit in to some old jeans after some good wii fit exercising. I would fit it into a twice a daily habit that I need to make a commitment too. Once in the morning and once at night..Plus the kids could stand beside me and play along and get up and motivate me..major plus…
It would fit in exercise that i normally wouldn't bother to do
I would fit the wii fit into the morning right before i go to work,so i would be ready for the day,and my sister would be enjoying the wii fit while i'm at work.
I could use this after I get out of class and before I go to work. On the weekends my family could work out together.
I am a full time student so I have time to fit in some fit from Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo!! Can't wait to get started ;o)
Have a 2 yr. old so will start getting fit with his help and with him – whew!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
This may be a dup If so I am sorry. I looked thru and couldn't find and entry but I thought I did. I would use my WIi every morning after my walk.
I will workout before DH wakes up!
I would wake up 30 minute before the kids and do it before they wake up becaue if they were awake, they would probably make fun of me 🙂
This would be great for my grandson and me. We could exercise together and get a lot more fit.
I would fit some “fit” in after I take my boys to school and I have the house to myself for a couple of hours. Thanks for the chance!
I would use the Wii Fit Plus to workout early in the mornings.
My kids love video games so I think that I could convince them to exercise with me.
I would fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus every morning after I have my coffee! I love to exercise in the morning and this would be so much fun. Thank you for the great giveaway!
I would love yo use the Wii Fit every morning to give me more energy.
I would love to have a Wii Fit to excercise in the morning to give me energy for the day.
I'm too lazy to go to the gym – hope this will get me going at home.
I would use this to exercise in the evening with my boyfriend instead of watching movies and eating popcorn.
i promise to practice at least 3x a week for a year–what a great product and giveaway!
After I put the kids down for a nap!
For me, I live in a small, rural town. We have one gym which is crazy expensive to join and the community college “gym” with equipment that is less than safe. Also, living in the northern Mid-west, the winters here are VERY severe. Cold with 300+ inches of snow a winter. The Wii fit would help me working out in the cold winter months when it is just too cold to be outside or unsafe to drive. *crossing fingers, toes & even eyes* lol
I'd fit it in before and after work to get me going and to relieve the stress!
I'll use wii Fit Plus on top of my running routine for strength training and just for plain ol' fun!
would get up at 6am, would love to do some new exercises, need this to lose 20+lbs
Well, I have a hectic schedule so I rarely have time for the gym. With the Wii Fit Plus, I would no longer have to worry about trying to make time for the gym. I could exercise in the morning before school and in the evening when I get home!
Thanks for the chance!
falongoesgreen @ gmail dot com
I would use the Wii Fit to get the kids excited about working out.
i would use it every morning instead of my yoga dvds
I am currently trying to get in better shape and so I go to the gym 6 days a week. But I'm married and my wife says she misses me for the 1-1.5 hours I am gone each evening after work. It would be great to be able to stay home and work out and maybe she could even join me. Plus I could save the money from not going to the gym
this i hear everyone talking about, this may be something we could use
I will fit some fit in everynight when the kids are taking showers getting ready for bed.
LOVE Wii Fit It'll help me fit more fit in by being able to practice Yoga every morning
I would love to have this to wind down with Yoga late in the evenings after class! Thanks for the chance.
I'd love to have a WII. I would “fit in” everyday while watching The Young and The Restless.
I don't have a gym membership because they are too expensive. This will give me some variety in my exercising which means more exercising.
This will help me get some fit in my life because my girlfriend and I are very competitive.
Your party looked like so much fun! I'd use this to get fit without having to pay for a babysitter so that I can go to the gym.
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
I would fit some fitness in with the Wii Fit by getting to play some fun games with my kids that get us up and moving! I'd also use the yoga programs, I've heard such great things about them.
I would use it in the evenings after I get off work. Its perfect, I love Wii Fit and my mom has it but I don't have a Wii 🙂
I will FIT in my Wii Fit <3
I think the wii fit will make it more fun to work out and would encourage my hubby and I to work out together. Maybe I can get him to workout with me when he would normally play with his ps2.
schicana19 at gmail dot com
i would use this to get my faimley moving together and getting fit as a faimley thanks for the chance! boutique1976(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would get some Wii Fit time in when my little one is napping! This is such an awesome giveaway!! Thanks for the chance!
I do most of my working out in the morning before I go to work, and when I come back late at night, I tend to do a bit of yoga to wind down. So to be honest, I think I'd be working in Wii Fit pretty much at the beginning and end of my day 😀
I'm a morning person, so before going off to work, a workout with my Wii would be awesome. I bought a Wii for my grandchidren for Christmas but unfortunately their home was broken into and the Wii was stolen. If I win they will get the console and I will keep the Wii Fit for use with my Wii. Everyone is happy !
I would definitely fit in some fitness by using the Yoga on Wii Fit. I love doing Yoga, but I just had a baby 7 months ago, and it's hard to do yoga with a class because I'm a stay-at-home Mom. This would be SO amazing!
I would start out my morning with the Wii Fit.
I would like to see what the Wii can do in terms of fitness 🙂
I work in an office I could us a will fit to get fit. I get up early and could use it before I go it work. I have grandchildren that would love to help me have fun and get fit on the weekend when they are around. I have some birthday money and have been saving try to buy one. Thank for giving one away I would love to win one.
i would love to use the Wii fit system as a way to get my family more active and to get my kids interested in more than sedentary video games.
I'd love to use the Wii fit to get my family more active and my kids interested in more than just sedentary video games
My daughter & I both would benefit from the Wii Fit Plus we both are over weight and this would really give me and her some quality mother and daughter time. Im a newly divorced mom and would love to spend some time with her doing exercise and us both getting fit.
I work from home so I will fit in some wii time at lunch.
we could all use this
I have a new grandchild I need to keep up with. I like that I can do it at home
I'd take a few moments a day to do the yoga program
What an awesome giveaway! I would use this bundle to help encourage my boys to exercise. If it's fun, we are more likely to stick to it. I know it would be fun. I would love to try it out for myself too! Thanks!
I would fit this in after work, right before dinner and before I have a chance to sit down and come up with an excuse as to why I can't work out! Plus it looks like a lot of fun!
I'll be getting up about half an hour early to fit in some fitness!
This would be a great way to exercise first thing in the morning.
I would love to have a Wii fit, I would use it to take a break from the work on the computor. Would love the yoga one!
I've played wii fit before & love the games!! I know it'll help me become fitter. Especially the hula hoop game, lol
Having Wii Fit will make me exercise more, alone and with the kids.
Working a fitness program on Wii has to be more fun than doing sit ups in the living room. Also, if you can get some other people to join in, it can be fun. Thanks for the great suggestion!
The Wii and Wii Fit would let me take advantage of the (sorta) quiet hour after dropping my daughter off at school at 7am and when work calls start around 8…
Even better, I'd be at home in case I got an early call, AND NO MORE excuses like bad weather (rain, too hot, too cold, windy….). And, I have something to track my progress (challenge me to continue)
As a single mom, it's hard to find time to get out to the gym to exercise, so this would be something very helpful I could do at home!
I will fit it in the morning before everything gets busy.
In the evenings after dinner. Thanks.
I would like to use the Wii Fit Plus to get my video game junkies (ages 10, 13 and 14) to get fit while gaming. Not to mention, I could use the workout, too.
I will make time to have fun and wii is fun!
I plan on getting some me time in the morning before the babies are awake and also with my eldest son because he loves to excercise- Wii would be soo fun to do together!
inalak at msn dot com
I will start throwing “dinner parties” where my friends and I gather for some WII Fit-style bonding. Maybe it'll give them the illusion that they aren't really working out.
Egxbuddy at gmail dot com
I've actually never tried wiifit, so this would be an opportunity to see what wii can do! (PUN INTENDED ) Yoga sounds perfect, by the way.
le.paradis.found at gmail dot com
My family has been saving up for one. We love to do things as a family and I can't think of a better bout of fun than experiencing the Wii after dinner with my family!
I would use it to get some exercise in. I have an extremely low blood count level and am always tired. I could safely use the wii at home and not have to worry about how tired I am and driving home. Thanks for the giveaway!
OH my goodness, I'd LOVE to win this!
I would fit it in instead of 30 minutes of TV a night–just a one show tradeoff!
I would totally fit in time for the Wii Fit! Its not only exercise but fun too!!!! I would do afternoon yoga on the weekends and morning pick me ups during the week!
I would fit it in in the morning before work. It is the only time that I have to myself. Also in between laundry loads I could get 20 minutes in AND while listening to my Ipod!!
Thanks for the chance.
I would fit it in in the morning before work. It is the only time that I have to myself. Also in between laundry loads I could get 20 minutes in AND while listening to my Ipod!!
Thanks for the chance.
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I would love to get fit while having fun, which would take my mind of the fact that I was EXERCISING! My boss and her daughters use their Wii to ski and play tennis; the stories they tell are enticing! I want to come home from work, turn on the Wii system, and get my kids to come running to join in. What a great way to turn around the couch-potato trend this country is in. I hope I win!!! (Thanks for the chance.)
I NEED this! I could use it as play time with my girls and exercise for us all!
Oh. My. God.
I have to admit, I just started drooling all over my keyboard when I saw your post. I want this soooo badly! I just had a baby and need to get rid of the baby-weight and this would HELP!! You know how difficult it is to get out and about with a newborn so making it to the gym is not an option right now. The Wii would solve this problem for me! While she sleeps I can plug in and lose this weight!
Pretty Please?
Amazing giveaway! As for how I'd fit in some fit with Wii Fit Plus.. well I've played a bit of the original Wii Fit at a friend's house and it was so fun! It would be easy to spend time each day enjoying the new technology. Also, the oriented structure of the gameplay would seem beneficial to keeping up with it.
wakeupangel at gmail dot com
This would be great at home just so my daughter and I can play together while working out.
I will have to get up really early or stay up after my boys go to bed so I can exercise.
I'll use it whenever the weather is too bad to go outside to get my exercise.
Oh this is awesome! I am a grad student also working full time and have an hour long commute each way every day. That doesn't leave much time to go to the gym, so I would love the Wii Fit Plus to get in some fun and exercise at home!
Would love to work out at night when my kids are asleep and I don't need a babysitter to get to the gym…
With 2 year old twins and a newborn it's hard to get out of the house or have free time. They love exercising on the wii with their grandma and I'm sure they would love doing it at home- what a fun activity! and since it's in my house I can do it during naptime or at night
I would definitely use it on those days when I just can't fit a trip to the gym into my schedule and/or as a supplement to water aerobics at the club.
i'll fit it in the evening after baby is in bed
I would be able to use this after work, and save the time of having to go to the gym
I would use it in the morning before starting my day.
I think that this would be great to have because it is something that we could do as a family, a great way to fit in some wii fit time!
I love games and will get off the couch to fit in some fit …
I never have time to go a gym so I'd fit this in by working out in the morning before work, it would be so convenient to have a fun workout to do in the comfort of my own home!
I need some serious motivation when it comes to working out and I believe this would be a fun incentive to finally get “fit”!
It seems like a great item for those days you don't have time to drive to the gym or you get home to tired and just want to strech.
I would use this to finally start an excercise routine. I have been putting it off and really need to get in shape, and it would be great for my entire family!
The party looks fun. 🙂
This would replace my current DVD workouts during which my daughter and husband sometimes accompany me. With this system, I think they would start working out with me all of the time! sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I am a man of routines so all I have to do is get the Wii fit into my home and start a regiment every day after work and I'll be good to go.
I don't have much time during the day to exercise, since I work full time. I feel too guilty taking time to go to the gym when I haven't seen my kids all day. I would love to have something motivating to do at home in the evenings after the kids go to bed, to fit in some work out time.
mama2rob at yahoo dot com
I would really like the Wii fit to help me get my weight loss back on track.
I will have to fall out of bed and onto the Wii board. If i hesitate, all is lost.
I will work my excercise routine in between the big bowl of ice cream and Grey's Anatomy! I need it!
I love yoga. however I prefer to get my excerise at home in private so I've been wanting a Wii and Wii Fit for quite some time. I'd fit in my fit in the evenings after a long day at work, and likely early morning on the weekends to help wake up. Thanks! : )
I would love to use this to get Hubby do yoga with me. After multiple foot surgeries, he has balance issues and I think this doing yoga could really help with that.
I will fit it in when i wake up in the morning around 5 before I go to work. Thanks for the chance
I love yoga and think this would be really fun to try. I work long hours so it's hard to get to the gym and this game will let me work out at my own convenience..how fantastic!
I am a full time student with a lot of homework so it is hard to find time to be able to get changed and go to the gym for an amount of time. This would be perfect. I could just take a break and do it at home and get back to work. I would seriously use it everyday!!
I would regularly use it with my son and husband as a way for us to enjoy some family time together while getting some exercise in at the same time.
I will do yoga every night, except maybe not on Sundays
I'll fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo being at home with my pregnancy about to be over… then being a stay-at-home mom and trying to lose the baby weight. I love yoga and am looking forward to the challenge of the balance board in the bundle.
I would absolutely LOVE to win this. We don't have a Wii or WiiFit. But I also have a friend who it trying to be a #Mamavation mom and she needs a WiiFit for the program. If I win, I'd give it to her!
This would be something I'd use at night for me (to help get my tushy in shape in a fun way) & in the afternoon it'd be something for my daughter to play with (to give her exercise & help mommy & daddy get her into bed on time!).
I'll fit in in after work and before dinner
I am following you and RT the contest. I'm @kammikoza.
I have never had WII of my own before but I've tried with someone else's WII. I had so much fun and it does feel like exercising. My mom would be glad to have WII because she wanted one. WII is the best fun exercising thing to do. =)
I think I'll alternate days between my treadmill workouts and the Wii Fit. I bet I know which one will be more fun.
I will try to fit in the fit to get fit after i come home after work. It will become part of healthy fitting rituals.
I would fit at least 2 hours every morning into my schedule to get fit with Wii and Wii Fit Plus. This would help with my 60 lb weight loss goal this year and getting fit at the same time.
This will make exercise fun again
I would use the Wii Fit before I go to work to jump start my day. I would no longer need to make that dreaded trip to the gym that is so easy to put off…
I am normally up early and would try to work it in around breakfast time
I've been trying to shed a few pounds and I think this would be great to have to help me reach my goal. The Wii Fit is something that I could incorporate into my everyday life. If I were to get up earlier I could put in a workout before work. I think that would definately wake me up. Or I could do it after chores and dinner. The Wii Fit would bring another much needed healthy way of living into my life and would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for the contest!
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve won the Wii and Wii Fit Plus bundle!
Oh, I want to win. I really do. I think we are one of the last families on the planet without a Wii! So, how would I use Wii Fit? Hmmm… how can I not fit “fit time” into my schedule when it comes in such a fun package… one I'll have to fight my kids for, but that's ok. I think I'm up for it – or I will be once I am a bit more “fit!”
I will work my workout into my evenings.
I will get my husband to put down the TV remote and join me
As Princess Peach … oops I mean, as a Site Coordinator for an after school program I hope be able to incorporate the Wii Fit Plus in our schedule! Our kids are very active and I know would take full advantage 🙂 Who doesnt love the a great workout!
My thumbs aren't giving me as much as a workout using my Game & Watch from 1981! http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n259/monkeeg… I know I can get in great shape using the Wii Fit Plus. Go Balance Board!
I like to get my daily workout/exercise everynight before I take my end of the day bubble bath, I think the Wii Fit will go perfectly with my nightly ritual.
Now my sister & I can keep each other motivated & a little copmpetition to get better don't hurt, Lol
I've heard really great things about the Wii Fit and I would love to try to fit it into my busy day. I think this is something the kids would actually like to do too, so I'd try to do it with them after school and homework.
I will fit some fit in by working out with Wii fit when the kids are napping!
I will fit some fit in by using Wii fit while the kids are napping!
My sister has this and I absolutely love it. Every visit with her I use it. This would be so nice for my entire family.
My sister and her family have this. I would love to have one for my family.
I could use Wii Fit in the evening after work. My girls would like it too. It would be a fun family activity.
It will take a lot less time for me to do it at home before work in the morning. Just think how much time I will save versus going to the gym, changing, working out, showering, and getting ready for work…yipes!
I am a stay at home mom, so I would love to have something to get fit with here at the house either before the kids get up or after they go to bed.
Sadly, exercise is such a chore I rarely am able to motivate myself to take the time and I am definitely not in the shape I want to be in. The Wii fit would make exercise a fun part of my daily routine. Thank you for the chance to win.
I'm trying to get my family into exercise and so this would be great to add to the DVD that I use now. This would be more wonderful actually. We just don't have the $ to afford one now so we go with a DVD
I would try to fit some wii fit in my day because I would like to get more flexible and it sounds like fun
I will fit it in every AM before I take my shower
I plan to schedule in sessions with google calendar..it's been helping me get organized and get tasks done lately 🙂
I'll fit some fit in by using this awesome system to exercise when it's too cold/wet/icky outside to do outdoor walking!
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I would definitely use this EVERY DAY!! I would like to get in better shape as well as lose some weight. My kids and husband would be able to utilize this as well. Our whole family can work hard to get fit and healthy without the expense of a gym! Thanks for the chance!! I hope I win!! 🙂
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I would fit it in the evening time after I get everybody where they need to be.
Wii fit is something I can take out in front of the kids, since they love to move along with the “games” too. It will exercise both them AND me!
sue.sweeps at gmail dot com
i need to tone up after a back injury, hope this will help
I have a neck and back injury, but feel sure yoga would benefit me. I could work out gradually and in the privacy of my own home. Both pluses.
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I will scheulde Wii time on my calendar. The older I get the harder it is to stay in shape. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'd work out before my children wake up.
My hubby and I both need to start doing some form of exercise and I think this would make it more fun for us am=nd make us want to do it.
If i got wii fit, i would measure my weight everyday with wii fit and start to walk for great result.
Walking doesn't cost any money so i can make a lot of money.
then i will go to gamestop to buy Super Mario wii with the saved money and stay home playing mario all day and take back all of my weight again.
,,, maybe i better not to get wii?
I would love to use the Wii Fit to mix up exercising. I seem to do OK for a week or two, but then I get bored. I think the Wii Fit would mix it up and help me have variety – which would (hopefully) help me stick with it longer than I have in the past!
I would love to use the Wii Fit to mix up exercising. I seem to do OK for a week or two, but then I get bored. I think the Wii Fit would mix it up and help me have variety – which would (hopefully) help me stick with it longer than I have in the past!
I would use this with my kids as a way to get at least some sort of exercise while playing video games.
I will fit some fit in with the wii fit plus by exercising in the morning after my daughter goes to school. I will get a chance to do yoga and other various exercises to get into shape.
I would fit in some fit time each evening. I don't watch TV so I do a lot of my workouts in the evenings 🙂
We are grandparents and would love to share this fun way to get fit every evening with our grandkids.
I could really use this! I would do it for an hour after dinner, thanks!
I would love to use this lose some of my winter coat before summer comes
I have never known anyone who used the Wii, so I am excited to hear how good it is. I would love to have something at home that actually motivates me to work out!
My current schedule affords me to fit as much Wii Fit Plus time as I can handle in the mornings! 🙂
This would be a great alternative to watching tv
I would fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus by working out every morning before I start my day.
i would use this replacing my regular exercize time. this would be so great, like having a friend do it with you
Thanks for the great giveaway! I have a friend with this game, it has a place where you can create your own workout! I'd love to start this up every morning before I get ready for work. Thanks!
I'd love to get some exercise in without having to find a sitter for the kids or drive to the gym!
I will get up early in the morning and work out with my Wii Fit before all the dogs get up and get in my way.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Would LOVE to win this so that I could work out at home
after a long day at school in the classroom. I would get my
son involved so that he too can be fit!
I would to have this prize. It will help motivate to get up and exercise.
I usually work out in the morning before the kiddos and hubby are up and moving around.
Have my husband take care of the kids while I “fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo”
Thanks for the chance – I really could use this!
I just walk with my Mom for exercise. I would like to be able to kick my workout up a notch with this Wii Workout every evening at home rain or shine! I just retweeted this giveaway- sharonjo1! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
I need a variety so I will fit this in every morning!
The key is to exercise before sitting down and relaxing. I'd use the Wii right after getting home, before dinner preferably.
I will fit some fit in with the wii Fit Plus from Nintendo in the early mornings.
It's too hot to work out outside in FL and I'm too old and insecure to go to the gym. I would love to win this.
I would fit this in before I head to work in the mornings.
I will incorporate my daughters into the fun and make every night a family fit night.
I am determined to lose 20 pounds this year. None of my summer clothes fit. I would use the Wii as part of my morning exercise routine. I have been trying to exercise for 20 minutes in the morning before work, and than walking 20miutes during my lunch break. The Wii would add fun to the exercises
I would use the Wii fit on those days when I can't get to the track (usually the days I'm at school or work)
I would use wii fit to lose weight and it is something for me and my mom to do together.
I'd use the Wii fit on days when I can't get to the track, like after a long day of being in school.
I have the chance to work out several times a week,but my wife and 15 year-old find it more difficult. They keep asking for a WII Fit so that they can workout at home. I have not been able to provide this for them yet and would love if I could win this bundle and give it to them.
This would make it so much easier to work out so I don't have to leave my house to go to the gym!
I have no time or monry for a gym. The Wii is the perfect solution to getting in my work outs.
I would MAKE time to fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo — I'd wake up early or go to bed late 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
My toddler loves to mimic whatever I do…her and I can “workout” together!!
I will fit some wii fit in by doing it in the morning so I can not say I didnt have time. Thanks for the giveaway
I will try to work in some fit time after work and before I settle down for the night.
Would love to win!!
I would get up an hour early every morning to exercise! This would be wonderful!
I read that the best time to work out is in the evening. So I would use this once I got home from work. I think this would be a great, fun workout.
I borrowed my sister's Wii and lost over 17 inches. I had to give it back but would love to have my own system to continue on my healthy journey.
I will fit some wii fit plus fit in by making use of this fitness routine every morning!
I would exercise early in the mornings and late in the evenings in the comfort of my home and this looks like fun.
While I have never used the Wii, the comments from others has given me reasonable interest in the program. My lady and I will try the routine together and the enjoyment shall then be rewarded.
I'd find time by doing it along with my kids after school.
I would fit some fit time in early in the morning right before I take my shower. I would love to win the Wii Fit System. I am out of shape and need to lose some unwanted pounds – the Wii Fit would get me motivated to do that.
I love that it's a way to add variety to any exercise regimen. I work shift work, so this is a great way to fit exercise in to my weird schedule.
I would use thw wii fit as an at home workout to do with my 3 year old and 1 tr old when the older kids are at school. They love Wii and they love tp work out and move so this would be a perfect way to get moving at our house (and to help me lose weight!!)/
I could really use some direction in what I need to do, proper technique, etc. I am pregnant with my second surro baby, and it's important that I keep in shape!!
I work long days and never have time to go to the gym. It is wake up, eat, work, eat, sleep 5 days a week. Drive 15mins to the nearest gym just does not fit into my busy schedule. I would love being able to turn on the tv and get fit before AND after work without leaving the house!
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I would use this as a way to get “fit” along with drinking lots of water and eating healthier. I'm already doing those 2 things so now I need a wii to help me get fit!
Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be so much fun for me because I love doing different workouts.
Would increase my level of fitness.
I have been wanting to get one of these, on disability and I need to start trying to get some movement. I would like to try it out in the late morning, before it gets too warm, open the window up and work out to the sound of the birds out side
I'll finally start my much delayed return to working out. 🙂
Now I can lose all that fat and impress everyone.
i'm a stay at home mom with a husband who works crazy hours. that means i need to figure out how to get exercize in during naptime…but those same ol' dvds get so boring after awhile!! i've heard so much about wii fit and i am so curious and intrigued…everyone seems to love it! and if it was something i could get my toddler into, it'd be that much better!
How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I will use it after work for fun fitness
I used to run in the mornings and I loved it, now I live in an area that the weather is usually cold and or raining, in the mornings–I've tried exorcise machines but they are too boring—I would love to have a wii to have a fun workout in the early morning! Thanks for the chance to win!
Every time I try to get out and walk I am dragging 4 kids with me. A gym membership is out of the question (hubby's been laid off work twice in the last year), so with this, I can get fit either in the morning when the kiddies are still in bed (I'm an early bird), or while Chubby-huggy, my youngest, is napping! I have hope.
My wife and I New Year's resolution this year was to lead a more healthier lifestyle! Our entire family have started to eat more healthier and added exercise to our daily routine! A few of our friends have suggested we add 'yoga' to our fitness routine and I'd love to try the Wii Fit Plus Bundle at our in-home gym I've recently completed constructing!
Thanks for the chance to win and good luck to all!
I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus by adding it to my morning routine. Instead of watching the weather and news in the morning, I would love to add exercising with the Wii Fit Plus. Thanks for the chance!
The girls and I love to compete, play video games and dance/do yoga together soooooooo this is right up our alley.
I find a zillion reasons to skip my exercise class just because I dread the drive over. Having a Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo in my home would squash those excuses and make me fit some fit in.
I would use the Wii as an brisk early morning workout before going to work.
I will use it so I can cancel my yoga membership!
I have wanted a Nintendo Wii since it first came out. Being retired, I know I would really use it to help my aging body.
My wife is doing everything in her power to become healthy and I really want to join her in her quest. I really need it more than she does.
This package would give me something to do that would help boost my confidence and get me going in the right direction.
I would definitely use the Wii Fit every morning as part of my routine. Great giveaway!
I need to lose weight and I know that if I had the Wii Fit that I would use it every day
This would be a great way for me to excercise every day and have fun, too!
If I get up first thing in the morning without even thinking about it, it will fit in just fine!
I would use this in the morning when the kids are sleeping!
I would do it as soon as the kids left for school. I read somewhere that women who exercise in the morning have more of a chance to sticking to it. And they're probably right – once the day gets going, I keep saying, “I'll take time for myself as soon as I get done……” and by the time I've taken care of everyone else's needs, it's time for bed! But if I did it in the morning, it would be DONE before anything else could crop up.
I love this! The set up looks beautiful – they know how to throw a party.
When I'm too busy to make it to the gym, I could fit in a workout before work or after dinner. Plus, I can get the BF to try yoga with me.
I wake up early but lounge in bed until I am ready to get up. I would get up and use the Wii Fit each morning instead of lounging in bed – and that would get my day off to a great start!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh what a fun giveaway!! I would love to fit this in either with the kids or after they've gone down for the night!!
I would love to win this and I would fit this in everyday with my Girly Girls here at home…!!! I always wanted this…wish me sooo much luck…! joshmilky@aol.com
I would fit it in by getting up off the couch to exercise and have fun doing so. I would also invite some of my heavy friends over for WI partys and we all can get in shape together . @MCJunkie on Twitter
“How will you fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo?“
I haven't exercised in months so this will give me the motivation to get in shape and become more flexible. I can't even touch my toes when I stand up!! I know, awful. Thx for the opportunity 😉
lisa [at] newyorkchica [dot] com
I would fit some fit in ~In the mornings, right after my daughter leaves for school!
After all the kiddies go to sleep would be the only time.
I would set up a A.M. regimine, for cardio
This would be great!! I have wanted this so badly! I heard it's awesome!
I would use the Wii Fit Plus later at night when my children are in bed
I get home from work before my husband, so I would fit in my Wii Fit during that brief alone time at home.
My kids and I would have so much fun with this!
I plan on waking up everyday at 5:00. It's the only time I can get any free time to exercise!
My daughter takes a 2-3 hr nap everyday, that's the time I would use to fit in some Wii fit!
we would do it as a family, before going to bed. i know my son and my husband would really enjoy it.
I will fit Wii in when I first wake up in the morning and during breaks during the day.
I am recovering from gallbladder surgery and a Wii fit would help me get back in shape and get active. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would fit some yoga in with the new wii. Specially now that I'm at home. unemployed :(. And I will also drag my 16 year old son and hubby to do it with me.
I would need to fit in some fitness in the hours after the kids go to bed. I can't imagine being able to work out when they're still up!
I will augment my workout routine by mixing it up and adding this to my activity!
With a ten month old I would use this while he is napping to lose the last of the baby weight and get toned before summer.
I would make time before I go to bed.
This would be a great way to fit some exercise in because I could “play” with my kids and get exercise at the same time. A win-win proposition. Thanks.
I would workout with this first thing in the morning while everyone else is still asleep.
I would workout with this first thing in the morning while everyone else is still asleep.
I will fit time into my schedule each day by getting up earlier & starting my day off right.
I will fit time into my schedule each day by getting up earlier & starting my day off right.
Instead of heading out to the gym, I will fit a workout in after my husband leaves for work at 5am and before the kids wake up at 7am.
Instead of heading out to the gym, I will fit a workout in after my husband leaves for work at 5am and before the kids wake up at 7am.
It will allow me to fit more fit into my current exercise routine by adding more variety to my dull routine. nnardy22 at earthlink dot net
It will allow me to fit more fit into my current exercise routine by adding more variety to my dull routine.
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I would fit this in at the beginning of my day. Thanks
I would fit this in at the beginning of my day. Thanks
I would do yoga or pilates every morning. It is too expensive to join a yoga class for me right now. Rather do it at home anyway!!
I would do yoga or pilates every morning. It is too expensive to join a yoga class for me right now. Rather do it at home anyway!!
I would use it for excersising and improving my body and keep healthy.
I would use it for excersising and improving my body and keep healthy.
I love the workout you get from many of the WII games. Wii fit will make exercise a lot of fun!
I love the workout you get from many of the WII games. Wii fit will make exercise a lot of fun!
I have been dying to buy the Wii System and Wii Fit Plus. However, I have been laid off 3 times in past 14 mo’s and currently not working and not able to afford it. And I NEED to start to get exercise in my life!
I have been dying to buy the Wii System and Wii Fit Plus. However, I have been laid off 3 times in past 14 mo's and currently not working and not able to afford it. And I NEED to start to get exercise in my life!
I would fit it in first thing in the morning!
I would fit it in first thing in the morning!
Oooh! Yoga before my law classes each day would be so calming!
Oooh! Yoga before my law classes each day would be so calming!
I’d fit some Wii Fit in in the “wii” hours of the morning before the rest of the clan gets up — with such a fun and entertaining form of exercise available, i would be extra motivated to awake early and get my workouts in. Thanks!nngkaufmanss@yahoo.com
I'd fit some Wii Fit in in the “wii” hours of the morning before the rest of the clan gets up — with such a fun and entertaining form of exercise available, i would be extra motivated to awake early and get my workouts in. Thanks!
Our family enjoys playing the Wii after supper. We will play the Wii fit instead of other games.nn
Our family enjoys playing the Wii after supper. We will play the Wii fit instead of other games.
I would create my own exercise schedule using a great deal of Rhythm Kung Fu in the mix. That is how I would u201cHow will I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo.u201c
I would create my own exercise schedule using a great deal of Rhythm Kung Fu in the mix. That is how I would “How will I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo.“
OMG! I have been wanting to win this for a long time! Id LOVE to use this with my bro – who is turning into a self consious teenager!
OMG! I have been wanting to win this for a long time! Id LOVE to use this with my bro – who is turning into a self consious teenager!
i would fit it in right after i out the kids on the bus.
i would fit it in right after i out the kids on the bus.
We don’t feel comfortable walking in our neighborhood, and we can’t afford a gym. The Wii would help us fit some fit in by allowing us to exercise in the safety of our home after work. It would be infinitely more affordable and convenient.
We don't feel comfortable walking in our neighborhood, and we can't afford a gym. The Wii would help us fit some fit in by allowing us to exercise in the safety of our home after work. It would be infinitely more affordable and convenient.
I’d love to use this in the afternoon/early evening
I'd love to use this in the afternoon/early evening
I will take some time in the evening after work and dinner. garrettsambo@aol.com
I will take some time in the evening after work and dinner. garrettsambo@aol.com
My family and friends have been telling me how I have gained so much weight ,nit is getting me motivated to do something about it.I have been eating better,nbut I need to move it,and the Wii would be a fun way to go.I would start earlynin the morning when it is quiet and I have the time.Thanks for the giveaway
My family and friends have been telling me how I have gained so much weight ,
it is getting me motivated to do something about it.I have been eating better,
but I need to move it,and the Wii would be a fun way to go.I would start early
in the morning when it is quiet and I have the time.Thanks for the giveaway
I would have Wii Fit parties with my 2 older kids on those rainy days when we can’t go outside. Of course, those would have to “fit” in between playing with the baby and all of our daily chores.
I would have Wii Fit parties with my 2 older kids on those rainy days when we can't go outside. Of course, those would have to “fit” in between playing with the baby and all of our daily chores.
I will fit in some Wii fit time by doing it when my kids leave for school, it’s my only hope! I would really love to try the Wii Fit balance board, it looks awesome!nnjustine417@comcast.net
I will fit in some Wii fit time by doing it when my kids leave for school, it's my only hope! I would really love to try the Wii Fit balance board, it looks awesome!
I will fit some fit in by making time to wake up an hour earlier every morning for some “me” time!
I will fit some fit in by making time to wake up an hour earlier every morning for some “me” time!
I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo by doing regular workouts with it.
I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo by doing regular workouts with it.
I'd love to use this in the afternoon/early evening
I will take some time in the evening after work and dinner. garrettsambo@aol.com
My family and friends have been telling me how I have gained so much weight ,
it is getting me motivated to do something about it.I have been eating better,
but I need to move it,and the Wii would be a fun way to go.I would start early
in the morning when it is quiet and I have the time.Thanks for the giveaway
I would have Wii Fit parties with my 2 older kids on those rainy days when we can't go outside. Of course, those would have to “fit” in between playing with the baby and all of our daily chores.
I will fit in some Wii fit time by doing it when my kids leave for school, it's my only hope! I would really love to try the Wii Fit balance board, it looks awesome!
I will fit some fit in by making time to wake up an hour earlier every morning for some “me” time!
I will fit some fit in with Wii Fit Plus from Nintendo by doing regular workouts with it.