Ah, that wonderful time of year is here where love is in the air, hearts are all around, and love notes are passed back and forth – love notes and arrows, that is. Yes, how about instead of candy or paper Valentine’s (that will most likely end up in the trash after a while), have your chiquitos hand out these fun arrows made using felt and pencils? These pencil and felt Valentine’s arrows are the perfect handmade Valentine’s for your kids to deliver on Valentine’s Day to their classmates! Plus, it’s a simple and fun kids craft, just like we like them here at modernmami! Ready to get started?
Pencil and Felt Handmade Valentine’s Arrows {Kids Craft}
Materials Needed:
- Felt of assorted colors
- Pencils
- Hot glue gun and glue
- Printed “Happy Valentine’s Day!” and “To/From” mini-banners (optional)
How to Make Handmade Valentine’s Arrows:
First, you will need to make two stencils using card stock, paper, or anything else you have handy. Draw your heart tip and the tail of the arrow. Then, use it to trace and cut all the felt heart tips and arrow tails. You will need two hearts and two tails for each arrow – one for the back, the other for the front.
Second, glue the top and bottom of each piece following the photos below. Make sure to leave a small opening at the top of the heart (where it meets inward) and the arrow tail (where it points outward), as this will allow for you to be able to place them on the pencil like little hats on each end.
Next, cut three slits on each side of the arrow tail. Then, slip the heart tip and arrow tail on each end of the pencil.
Finally, glue a “Happy Valentine’s Day, To and From” banner onto each arrow. Or, you can leave it just as it is. We made ours on a Word document using a size 11 fun font, copy and pasted it several times, printed, and then cut out each strip.
Now your kids can give their handmade Valentine’s arrows to a special someone – or their friends! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

All photos © Lisa Renata
these are cute and so easy to make.
Now these I love… not just for V-day but just to have! So cute! Keeps you in the loving spirit! Hope your days are full of sunshine! 🙂