Disclosure: This post is part of a “I Heart Beef” campaign with TheMotherhood.com on behalf of The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. I will receive compensation for sharing my memories with you, but my opinions are mine. In fact, I have always loved beef.
We are what you would call meat lovers. That is to say that we could never be vegetarians. The word itself is one that would get you looks of “Are you crazy?” in our family. Now that’s not to say there’s anything wrong with being a vegetarian (Seinfeld anyone?), it’s just that we are carnivorous by nature.
Join me in a flashback real quick…
We had only been married a few months. Times were tough, of course, as is normal for a young couple just starting out. We were living off of rice, beans, and PB & J sandwiches. (How’s that for multicultural?) Since meat was the biggest expense on our grocery bill at the time, I began to make it last as long as I could. One day, after a tiring day at work, I came home and decided not to cook any meat that night. I remember my mami would sometimes make a great meal out of just yellow rice, beans, and a big salad. I opted to do the same.
A proud new wife, I set a plate of my home-cooked dinner in front of my husband and said “Buen provecho!” as I sat down across from him. He looked down at his plate, looked back up at me and said, “Where’s the meat?”
I can still remember that day. We laugh about it now, of course, but believe me that every meal since then has had some sort of meat in it. As I said…meat lovers.

And, though we’re equal opportunity meat lovers, this post will be all about the beef. We often ate beef growing up in a Puerto Rican house. From carne molida to bistec encebollado to barbecuing steaks at parties, many meals I grew up eating – and some of my favorites – involve beef. One of my all time favorites is bistec encebollado. I wish I had a nice video showing you how to make it, but I didn’t have time to make one right now (Note to self: Make video in the future!). So, I’m going to give you the basic recipe.

The key to making bistec encebollado is that you have to use cubed steak. If you can’t find it pre-packaged, just ask the butcher to run a piece of beef through the machine and it’ll come out cubed for you. Then, you really only need some onions and the basic ingredients for making sofrito – a staple when cooking Puerto Rican food.

Recipe for Bistec Encebollado – Puerto Rican Cubed Steak with Onions
- Cubed Steak
- Onions
- Cooking Oil
- Adobo
- Meat Tenderizer
- Black Pepper
Cooking the Steak
- Season el bistec with adobo, black pepper, and meat tenderizer.
- Cut your onions into nice ring slices.
- Using a large covered pan, heat a bit of cooking oil.
- Put your steaks in and drizzle a little water under to help create steam.
- Cover the pan and cook on low-medium heat.
- When the steak is tender and nearly done, add your onions on top of the steaks.
- The steak will cook slowly on low heat and the onions will wilt creating a perfect combination of steak and onions.
- I highly suggest you serve over white rice and red beans with a side of tostones. Heaven!
I apologize for the lack in detail with the ingredients and the steps, but it is true to how I and everyone in my family cooks. We do not measure and just go along pouring items into the pot.
If you want to get some more ideas for cooking with beef, check out Beef It’s What’s for Dinner, which has many recipes, videos, and information for buying, cooking, and handling beef. February is actually “I Heart Beef” month so have fun looking up fun ideas for dinner this week; they even have a Quick Meals section with simple recipes fit for any busy parent.
Now, let’s get on to the contest.
One of you will win a $100 Omaha Steaks gift card!
How to Enter
If you’d like to enter this contest for a $100 Omaha Steaks gift card, simply leave a comment below and share your favorite memories of making everyday occasions special with beef and let me know your favorite recipe from the Beef It’s What’s for Dinner site.
For extra entries:
- Tweet about this contest with a link back to this post and include @modernmami in your tweet. You must leave a separate comment with a link to your tweet for your entry to count.
- Follow @BeefForDinner on twitter and tweet them with a recipe you like from their site.
- Become a fan of ModernMami.com on Facebook and leave a comment with your Facebook name.
- Become a fan of Beef It’s What’s for Dinner on Facebook.
- Subscribe to this blog via email and leave a comment with the email you used to subscribe. (You can use the email field to do this instead of putting your email in the comment if you prefer.)
- Subscribe on friendfeed and leave a comment with your friendfeed ID.
- Write a blog post on your own blog sharing with your readers something you found helpful on the Beef It’s What’s for Dinner site. Make sure to link back to this contest page in your post. Leave a comment with your post link.
All entries must be in by Sunday, February 28 at 11:59 pm EST. Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry. The winner will be chosen using Random.org and will be notified via email. (Please be sure to provide a valid email address with your entry.)
I would love to try the
Pomegranate Steak with Quinoa
We always make tacos with beef to celebrate great days!
Woops wrong tweet! Sorry, delete my post below this http://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/95804…
I follow Beef on twitter @desmoinesdealin
I remember that first bite of Tri-Tip roast cooked over wood chips that I had about 10 years ago. Since then I've been trying to recreate that unbelievable first taste. Unfortunately, there has been nothing that compares to the first time.
I didn't find a lot of recipes on the site, but the featured one of Pomegranite Steak w/Quinoa sounds good.
Following Beeffor dinner on Twitter and tweet
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Kathy Cheeseman Rambousek
Facebook fan of Beef … too
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we love steak with the simple things… grilled with garlic, salt and pepper. there is nothing better!
now folliwng @BeefForDinner (outinthemsticks)
tweeted http://twitter.com/outinthemsticks/status/95831…
became a fan on FB name: r baynes
Spaghetti or chili with my kids
I love a good steak, escpecially when it's cooked on the grill, because my husband does it and it means less mess in the kitchen.
my fav memory is my dad making chilli with beef yum
i'm a fb fan bargainfun
Ah, gimme that Grilled T-Bone Steak for Two! When I was very young, my parents would sometimes grill T-bones for a special treat. I well recall sitting at the outdoor industrial-spool table, learning that the smaller side would always be more tender and flavorful than the larger–a lesson that applies to many situations!
Thanks to you & Omaha Steaks for the giveaway.
I love a good steak.This recipe sounds good: Chili-Marinated Steaks with Cilantro Cream
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/anncrabs/status/9592999332
Following Beeffordinner and tweeted them: http://twitter.com/anncrabs/status/9593091191
My fave memory is making tacos and I couldn’t open the site with the recipes.
One of my favorite memories of making everyday occasions special w/ beef was “taco night” at my grandma and mom’s house. I think my mom carried on the tradition from my grandma. My friends always went crazy over this but to me, at the time, it was normal. Now I look back at those days with really fond memories! 🙂 Also – I think this Beff California Roll Salad sounds great – http://www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/recipe.aspx?id=2409
Tweet – http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/9593773733
Following Beeffordinner and tweet – http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/9593822596
We are a total beef family, and the kitchen is the heart of our home! My favorite recipe from the site is Chimichurri Steak Wraps! Yum! This is a recipe that my kids could help with too!
My favorite memories always involve backyard barbeques where we are grilling hamburgers. 🙂 My favorite recipe from the website is the Monster Mash Meatball Soup. http://www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/recipe.aspx?id=910
I am an email subscriber.
My husband is a beef-loving military man and I love cooking for him. When we were dating, I cooked for him a lot (as I do now) and I remember that his reactions to all of my dishes (especially the beef ones) made these “everyday moments” touching and memorable. He is such a sweetie! Really, this gift would be perfect for him. From the Beef site, I think the Beef Kabobs w/Parmesan Orzo sounds great!
My favorite memory with beef is making groundbeef sauce with my mother for homemade pizzas. The Mediterranean Braised Beef is my favorite recipe on the Beef It’s What’s For Dinner website.
I will never forget the day our now 8 yr old tried roast for the first time. She had always snarled her nose every occasion prior but one night she volunteered to try it and now she is a MEAT eater!
I use make occasions w/ beef special by using ground beef to make my favorite chili
To make beef special for occasions I use ground beef to make my favorite chili. My favorite recipe from Beef.com is Beefy Mexican Lasagna
My hubby and I love steak and always love grilling steak and having a nice evening together. With sauteed mushrooms. Yum! I like the Asian Beef and Broccoli Noodle Bowl recipe on the web site.
I subscribed via email.
My husband is a real meat eater. He comes from a meat and potatoes family. Some of our best memories involve him, a grill, and a 2 inch thick tbone or ribeye(when I say 2 inch thick I mean it too).
My mom has made elaborate Sunday dinners for us since I can remember. She always made the best pot roast…fork-tender and so flavorful! The Braised Beef w/ Mushrooms and Barley recipe sounds good to me!
My mom has made the most elaborate Sunday dinners since I can remember. She makes the best pot roast…fork-tender and so flavorful! The Braised Beef w/ Mushrooms and Barley recipe sounds good to me!
Following @BeefForDinner on Twitter and sent them a tweet:
The pomegranate steak with quinoa sounds great!
I like to make a taco roll with ground beef and crescent rolls. My little one loves it because it is in the shape of a circle!
We always bar-b-que Sunday dinner at my house. My husband loves his grill and so do I! His favorite is grilled Pork Tenderloin. Yum I would like to try the Chili-Marinated Steaks with Cilantro Cream.
I love making a beef stuffed pasta shells. So yummy. would love to win thanks!
I like Oriental Express Beef Lettuce Wraps! I have had chicken lettuce wraps in restaurants, but I bet these are even more flavorful! My favorite memory is introducing my boyfriend to Thai food. He was very skeptical – and then the surprise on his face when he tried some delicious spicy beef and noodles! One of those “told ya!” moments…
Tweet: http://twitter.com/anatolyevna/status/9652066769
Subscribed via friendfeed – ID elena32.
My favorite recipe is the Mojo Beef Kabobs, it looks good and is healthy. For special occasions we sometimes go to Ruth’s Chris Steak House…there is some good beef!
I am following BeefForDinner on Twitter as njhhb.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/statuses/9657368829
MELANIE!!! I think the recipe you shared is one my husband and I tasted at a diner when we went to Puerto Rico! At least it sounds like it (because I don’t actually remember the name).
Anyways, one of my favorite recipes is http://www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/recipe.aspx?id=1450; Easy Tenderloin with EASY Cranberry Balsamic Sauce; the ingredients and simplicity are what attracts me.
I’m very much a meat & potatoes girl; for extra special celebrations, I buy a whole beef tenderloin & cut it in half. The larger portion I make a simple roast; the other half, we slice into steaks and grill them later. I’d have it more often, but the price tag keeps it reserved for special occasions.
🙂 THANKS FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN…I SO hope I’m the lucky one!! xoxoxo
I tweeted this (& please forgive me…I SO hope no one follows the link here so my chances will improve to win? I’M NOT PROUD but I am a beef luvah 🙂 🙂 🙂 )
I made a pretty decent brisket with beer and portobello mushrooms last night although I have to admit I generally cook with ground beef. The recipe that looks best to me on the site is Beef Pupusas & Curtido Slaw. Yum!
I followed @BeefForDinner & tweeted them a yummy-sounding recipe 🙂
🙂 I’m already a fan of yours, but I left a comment anyway :).
I subscribed via email w/the account I receive subscriptions to: lolspicegirl(at)aim(dot)com
Congratulations Robin! You won!
If I can, I’ll write a post and link back (time is so limited!!). I think you know I’ll letcha know. 🙂 I’m not on Friendfeed but I’ve commented everything else.
Is this just pathetic? Can you tell #IHEARTbeef??
we cant wait for summer to start grilling those steaks and hotdogs and anything else we can find to grill
I have warm memories of beef stew in the winter. It’s easy and versatile and a favorite.
We really like steaks grilled, but I am looking forward to trying your recipe it sound delicious. Thanks!
I think more everyday occasions – I make pot roast, spaghetti sauce and chili – all with beef. All of these can be served when entertaining also.
Fav recipe – Beef Steaks with Curried-Onion Plum Sauce
I have loved beef for as long as I can remember. Burgers, steaks, stroganoff, you name it, I love it!
They had me at Treviso, Fig & Pear Steak Salad! YUMMY! THANKS for the AWESOME contest!
They had me at Treviso, Fig & Pear Steak Salad! YUMMY! Thanks!
I have always loved beef! I am not sure my last post was submitted!
Ok, now that I know it works. I follow @BeefforDinner and I tweeted to them my fav recipe
I am their 21,712th FB fan! Thanks!
I am your 200th fan on FB! THANKS!!
When my husband and I married, we were both poor students. So our honeymoon was at a small cabin only about an hour away but in a gorgeous area surrounded by nothing but trees. We bought a couple of steaks a small mom and pop store in the small town and grilled them back at the cabin.
I don’t know if it was the meat quality, the fact that we were usually too poor for steak, outdoor air, or the love high from being married the day before, but those were the BEST steaks we have EVER had.
I think the recipe for ginger beef noodles looks really good too!
Beef for dinner facebook fan sarah linette
Your facebook fan sarah linette
I like the pomegranate steak recipe from the featured ones. Of course, being Hispanic, one of my favorite beef dinners is fajitas!
email subscriber!
I loved BBQing hamburgers with my dad in the summer. I would love to try the Beef Sirloin Pasta Portobello recipe.
I am following and tweeted! http://twitter.com/sarahespn1/status/9754388451
FB fan of yours! sarahespn
FB fan of beef!
signed up with friend feed and following you sarahespn.
i have SO many memories of grilling – graduations, special events, birthdays, just having folks over… love that beef!
My hubby grills great steaks with a little bit of crushed red pepper. It is our go to meal when date night has to be at home!
Hubby and I always go to a fancy place for our anniversary. I”m currently trying to come up with a beef and wine sauce recipe so we can have it whenever we want, and FEEL like we’re having a fancy meal 🙂
I am your fan on facebook! Jennifer Causby
I am a fan of Beef on FB! Jennifer Causby
I am a fan of ModernMami.com on Facebook
Dana J Valle
I subscribed via email.
I am now a fan of Beef It’s What’s for Dinner on Facebook.
Dana J Valle
I am an email subscriber.
One of my favorite memories is when my mom taught me how to make her delicious steak and peppers. Instead of just handing me her recipe, she took the time to show me, step by step, how it was done. Cooking together was special and made an ordinary event something I will remember forever.
One recipe on the Beef site that sounds delicious is the Mexican Lasagna.
tweeted http://twitter.com/dahbou/status/9789088508
I’m a fan of ModernMami.com on Facebook as Terri Pointon.
I’m a fan of Beef It’s What’s for Dinner on Facebook as Terri Pointon.
My memories of making everyday special with beef is my dad' awesome Steak Barbeques! He was the best barbequer and I wish he was still here!
Following you on twitter @jillyrh
Following @BeefForDinner on twitter @jillyrh
Tweeted to @BeefForDinner
Fan on your facebook page (Jill BH)
fan of Beef It’s What’s for Dinner on Facebook. (Jill BH)
Subscribe via e-mail
I love beef. I remember we would grill out steaks for dinner every Sunday when I was a kid. My favorite recipe would just be grilled beef kabobs. I love them with green peppers onions, and pineapple pieces.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Pomegranate Steak sounds good!
We love to make Steak Kabobs for parties! It’s a fun and easy way to eat steak and veggies without a knife and fork!
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted. http://twitter.com/JCausby/status/9790229747
I follow and tweeted @BeefForDinner
The Pomegranate Steak with Quinoa looks good. We've been eating a lot of quinoa since I bought a large bag (organic, FTW!) at Costco and my husband loves pomegranate and I love beef!
Growing up in Texas most of our large Sunday dinners with extended family invited featured – of course – beef! Those meals were always something to look forward to!
From their web site, I'd love to try the recipe for Asian BBQ Steak!
I am an e-mail subscriber.
My e-mail is in the e-mail field on the form.
Grilled Tbone for 2
Grilled T bone for 2
It looks delish, especially that final picture!
It looks delish, especially that final picture!
It looks delish, especially that final picture!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!
Congratulations Robin! You won!