Sometimes us mamis just need a break. A Mami’s Time Out if you will.
Even a short 5 minute break away from all the “noise” helps bring some focus back to deal with it all.
I suppose we all have different ways of getting those breaks, in order to keep our sanity and maintain some balance.
For me, I often find some time online helps clear my head. I can either spend the time writing, or just checking in on twitter, plurk, facebook, or any other social network.
Maybe it’s because you can usually find someone who can relate. There’s just something about being able to connect with others who share some of the same interests, and who often can offer a piece of advice or just their experiences.
I also work full-time outside the house, so I get to engage in adult conversation on a daily basis. This is a definite plus of being a working mother. I hear from other moms that crave adult conversation after being home all day with the kids. This is another reason the mommy blogging community is so strong.
Maintaining some self balance is important, don’t you think?
How do you keep a sense of self?
I look forward to hear how you maintain balance for yourself in the comments below.
*This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by BOCA.*
Thank you so much for the link love! Great article!
You’re most welcome!
I agree completely that a little adult conversation (usually through social media) is just what the doctor ordered. It’s so great to know that you and Britt are out there close by in similar situations, and you get it. That’s all I ask for.
I know what you mean Susan. I feel the same way. Finally, someone gets it.