1. Name a song you know most (or all) of the words to.
Oh my, lol – Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot
2. Name a movie that you have watched more than once and would watch again.
3. Have you ever read a book more than once? Please share.
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
– It’s a really good book!
4. Share an inspirational quote with us.
If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success. – Murphy’s Law
5. What day of the week does (or did) your birthday fall on this year?
6. Have you ever bought a book or cd or movie more than once because you forgot you bought it already?
No, actually, but I’ve accidentally rented movies I’ve already seen and forgot I saw. 🙂
Read all about Monday Madness and play along!
Enjoyed reading your Monday Madness answers! And LOVE that quote. =)
Thanks Liz!
I haven’t played for several weeks but I was able to play along this week, however, my MM is a bit late. Thanks for sharing that lovely quote. It’s very meaningful and I certainly agree.