I’ve been thinking more and more lately that I really need to shop online more often. Even my husband made a comment the other day that we might need to look to online stores and boutiques for finding clothes and shoes for baby girl. It’s not that we can’t shop at local stores. It’s that we have trouble finding fun, unique, and funky clothes that fit her very eccentric style.
I have similar reasons as well. For example, it’s hard for me to find cute shoes that aren’t either completely for a high school girl or for an old lady. Those that are in between are more for business/work purposes. Of course the sheer convenience of online shopping also plays a factor. We all know we could stand to save a little bit of time whenever we can.
But, although I have no problems buying electronics, books, and other household items online, I am hesitant when it comes to clothes and shoes. What if they don’t fit right? What if it looks great on the model used in the item description, but when I put it on it looks totally different? What if it’s not comfortable? What if my little toe hits the strap of the sandal in just the wrong place so that I end up not being able to walk after 30 minutes of wearing them?
I posed that last question to Miss Britt who also runs an online shopping blog for women. Her advice was to buy styles that you already know work well. She also said that Amazon has a pretty good return program. And, I’ve heard the same for many other online stores, some who even have free shipping both ways.
So, I’ve decided to look online more often for my shopping needs. I’m even going to give buying clothes and shoes a whirl. Dare I also give online grocery shopping a spin? Hmmmm….
Here are a few deals I’ve found so far that I think will help me save time (shopping time anyway), find some products for the house, and keep me looking fabulous! 😉
Shoes from Amazon
Laptop Bags
- from Amazon
- from Rainebrooke – I especially like the red Emelia tote
Amazon has all kinds of women’s clothing! From bras to shirts to full out business suits. Apparently, I’m the last person to realize this.
Yup. I might just have to go there and get myself some groceries delivered.
Do you shop online for clothing…or even groceries? Love it or hate it? Let me know in the comments.
P.S. Thank you, Miss Britt for re-sparking an interest in shoes and clothes shopping. I had kinda lost it there for a while. hehe
I shop online all the time, i am in the UK so use different shops but my favorite clothing shop is also a high street shop so I am familiar with their sizes, they also have a great returns policy so I will often order 2 or 3 sizes to try on and then return the ones that don’t fit.
I like to order my groceries online but am so badly organised that I usually need my groceries NOW and online grocery shopping means planning at least 24 hours in advance. But when I do remember, I like it. It’s easier than going to the store, and I can check what I’ve spent.
@Bev, I guess that’s true about grocery shopping. I’ll need to be prepared well in advance. Must be nice to see the total adding up instead of just throwing food in your cart & getting a nice surprise at the register!
I’m hesitant too when it comes to shopping online. I know that when I go to stores I bring 500 things to the dressing room and maybe only buy 1, so the odds are against me.
If you ever want to go shopping, call me! I recently got excited about shopping again too because I went with a friend. It sucks to shop alone. Cute shoes, too.
PS when’s your trip?
@Susan Payton, They *are* cute, right? Trip is in May. And thanks…I might take you up on that offer!
I’ve gotten good at knowing what styles work on me and what doesn’t. But only after doing LOTS of trying on.
I buy styles and shapes from designers I already know.
Otherwise? It’s back to the dressing room…
@Miss Britt, Yea, I have a ways to go to learn which styles will work. Designers? Britt, you have so much to teach me. LOL
I definitely love the shoes! I like to shop online and always make sure there are deals for shipping and a good returns policy. I’ve always talked about how forever 21 has a great online shop but the store is always so messy I prefer to shop online. Some great mall stores also have online only discounts. Express, Victoria’s Secret, NY & CO all have great online sales. Can’t wait to read about your first online purchase!
@Jai, You’re so right about Forever 21. I always get scared when I walk in; it’s like I don’t know where to even start. I’ll be sure to check out their site. Thanks!