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It never fails…as soon as my oldest starts the school year and the little one goes back to a regular daycare schedule, they come home sniffling. Since I suffer from a myriad of allergies and my daughter has a few diagnosed allergens, I never know if our sniffles are due to allergies or a cold. Typically, I figure if we continue sniffling after a week and our cough hasn’t worsened, it’s probably allergies. But, if we feel our heads clouded over with congestion and have pain, then it might just be a cold. It’s a real fine line, though, and so hard to figure out which we’re suffering from at the moment, and therefore, which medications to take for myself or give the kids.
The OTCSafety.org team has developed a couple of infographics to help parents like you and I figure out if the symptoms we’re seeing are due to allergies or a cold. Of course, the importance of proper medicine administration is something OTCSafety always encourages parents to be informed about, so these infographics also include such information. You can also check out their allergy medicines page, which provides information on how allergy medicines work, plus tips for their safe use. Check out the infographics below and feel free to share them with your friends for an easy reminder! (Click on each infographic image to view full size.)
Allergies or Cold?
OTC Allergy Medicine Reminder for Kids Under 6
How do you know if your children have a cold or it’s simply allergies? Do they act differently with one or the other?
Disclosure: As part of the CHPA educational foundation’s OTC Safety Ambassador program, I received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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