My baby girl is 2 years old. Well 2 1/2 really. Not sure if it makes a difference.
She is what you would call a picky eater. I call it annoying.
She refuses to eat meat, unless it’s bacon (turkey) & sometimes deli meat.
She refuses to eat any veggies, except for baby carrots (sometimes).
You’ll see the word sometimes used a lot throughout. That’s because there is not one single solitary thing that I can get her to eat on an always basis. Everything is hit or miss. Even the food that I know she likes, she’ll refuse at times. (Exception is milk – the girl loves some milk.)
I’ve tried a lot of things.
- giving her a choice – A lot of times she refuses my choices and adds in her own. Sometimes it works. But, sometimes, she chooses, I make the food, and then she says, “No. I don’t want it.”
- not giving her a choice – I’ve done the opposite and have tried to get her to eat whatever we’re eating or whatever is given to her. This usually results in her skipping that meal. Call me a softy, but what mom wants her child skipping a meal, especially when it’s dinner?
- having her help – Yes, having her help me make her food is fun and exciting. But, again, most times she still refuses the food after we’ve made it.
- cutting food into fun shapes – Let’s just say the novelty of this wears off after the first couple of times. For her, not me.
It’s maddening, to say the least.
I swear she lives off milk and wouldn’t otherwise gain any weight.
What can this mami do?
I’m sure some of you out there have some tips. Let me hear them!
Please. Pretty please. 🙂
Sorry I don’t really have any helpful advice – but at least she’s drinking milk, it is high in protein and calcium. And carrots are a good source of vitamin A. Getting enough nutrition is the important thing. Will she eat anything high in vitamin c?
Trisha thanks for the link back! Hmmm…vitamin c – doesn’t really eat anything citrus – do bananas have vitamin c?
From my experience, though limited, toddlers are just not meat eaters so you gotta find other ways to sneak in the protein. Nuts and seeds are a great way, most will love to snack on some kind.
Just remember, toddlers are supposed to be picky eaters. It makes sure they don’t eat anything that kills them. LOL
I suppose that’s true. Not sure I can give her nuts yet due to the choking hazard. Thanks for the assurance, though. 🙂