A baby is born. A child develops a high fever. A spouse breaks a leg. A parent suffers a stroke. These are the events that throw a working woman’s
delicate balance between work and family into chaos.
This is how the article The Care Crisis by Ruth Rosen begins. You can read it in its entirety at The Nation.
It’s a really interesting article and touches on many topics that we often talk about, discuss, and experience. My favorite part of the article would have to be the following paragraph:
Men in dual-income couples have increased their participation in household
chores and childcare. But women still manage and organize much of family life,
returning home after work to a “second shift” of housework and childcare–often
compounded by a “third shift,” caring for aging parents.
I say that’s my favorite part because I can completely relate. That is exactly how I feel most days. Yes, my husband pitches in and does a really good job in being a “team member” when it comes to the housework and such, but I still feel highly overwhelmed most days and like I’m at a second job. I haven’t yet dealt too much with having to care for aging parents, but I see hints already that this will one day fall on my lap also.
After reading the article, let me know what you think.
technorati: the care crisis, ruth rosen, the nation, parenting, aging parents, motherhood, working women
Hi there–men and women have different focuses or at least culturally we’re taught that. I think there’s the sense that men should be more then just a help, but take a lead more around the house.
I do think more men are trying to take the lead with child rearing and I fit into that category. I’ve learned that there’s alot of joy in taking the lead with my daughter’s learning.
Don’t you feel we all need to have a greater sensitivity to each other’s stresses?
Good for you in taking a lead with child rearing and in your daughter’s learning!
I do agree – we do need to be sensitive to each other’s stresses and work together as a team rather than competing against each other.
I think so. We grow up learning how to compete and then we get into a marriage and we continue competing even though that doesn’t generally serve us too well.
It’s truly the teamwork that will help us prosper.