To go along with that last post…
I have been having a major case of forgetfulness. I have lists everywhere and for everything and I still can’t seem to get everything in order or remember everything. Perfect example – my husband’s company Christmas party was this past weekend.
He went to work for a while and I was to meet him there in time for the party. He asked that I buy him a sweater and bring it with me so that he could wear it to the party. I bought him a nice sweater and put the bag next to the counter in the kitchen, so I wouldn’t forget it. Guess what? You got it! I forgot the stupid bag and only remembered as I’m 2 minutes away from my husband’s job. Luckily it wasn’t very cold that night, so he was ok, but still, I forgot. And, I’ve been like that for a few other things lately.
Ok, I’m done whining now. I’m sure there are more important things to worry about, but being a person who used to remember everything and who was very organized, it’s hard to realize you can’t keep up with everything anymore. All this from just having a baby???!!! lol
technorati: forgetfulness, lists, organized, whining, motherhood
I have a horrible memory as well, but I’m not sure it’s due to having kids (though I hear that is common).
My memory has been bad for the last several years. I’ve actually wondered if I have a learning disability because it gets so bad sometimes!
It’s TOTALLY from having a baby. I’m so forgetful and disorganized now.
OMG, i thought i was the only one who lost their memory.. yeah i had a baby, he is now 16 months old and i still 4get everything! they say your brain shrinks 3% while your pregnant, i seriousley don’t think my brain went back to normal since. i use to remember everything, in fact my best friend called me the human calendar, now i am lucky i remember the days of the week!! talk about sucky! what gives anyways, i mean babies are enough work, and to top it off my memory sux now! is there any hope for my memory to come back?!
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one, but saddened at the same time that everyone is so forgetful!