Alright ladies (and men), bear with me a bit here while I go into the realm of TMI.
It seems that toddlers, preschoolers – whatever the correct term is for a three year old – do in fact suffer from PMS at such an early age.
You know how if you’re around a buddy of yours long enough, you’ll eventually end up on the same cycle as her? Or how your baby will share some hormones with you when he/she is born and even after if you breastfeed?
Well, the same effect applies to three year olds. Somehow they manage to feed off your hormones and lovingly share that special time of the month with you and act all PMS-y.
You don’t know what I’m talking about? Just take my word on it, then.
I have proof.
It comes in the form of my own daughter who I love to death, but who annoys the crap out of me when she decides to PMS right along with me. As if dealing with my own moody, grumpy self wasn’t enough.
You might think that I’m overreacting and that it’s just normal toddler tantrums or whining, but I kid you not, it always flares up more when I’m there.
Just ask my husband. The poor thing has to deal with two moody, grumpy girls in his house.
He figures it’s just basic training for the teenage years.
I wonder if this is one of those moments when having a boy would be easier? They don’t PMS, do they?
Image credit: jimgreenfield
Thank you for my evening laugh! I am a 40 something mommy to two sons, ages 22 and 20 and mommy to a 3 year old little girl! And you are so right about being hormonal. Both of us…girls are sooo different than boys. Changing clothes, shoes, singing, hugging, and sensitive! OMG…my hair is hard to color now….I can’t begin to imagine when she begins her “journey into womanhood”!
I didn’t even think that toddler girls can go through it! Poor Hubby. I must say that as a mom to a boy, they sure seem more dramatic than girls. The drama in my house over just taking a bath sometimes is unreal.
Mommie & Jai: It seems drama is not discriminative and exists for both girls & boys. urghh
Boys are NOT easier. Testosterone is a dangerous drug. They get all the man-type symptoms (you know, passive aggressive behavior, selective hearing loss, over-competitive jerk syndrome). By contrast, a little snarkiness seems much calmer. Trade ya!
Mother: I don’t think I could put up with all that from my kid. Maybe you’re right…
Boys are no fact my daughter is the best ever. She’s 5 now and only once has she tried to TRY me..but I had to explain to her that her attitude was not a good choice and that I will take her favorite toy away if she keeps it up, so I had to follow through with my threat and take her toy away for a period of time because of her disrespect. She has not thrown a fit since and that was a few years ago. My son on the other hand is a DRAMA KING…before I even threaten with a punishment ..he’s already crying..and trying to give me hugs and kisses so he doesn’t get in any more trouble..but of course that doesn’t work. You ALWAYS have to follow through with what you say…if you threaten to put your child in time out, give her 2 warnings…on the 3rd no more words…straight to time out. That has worked wonders for me, especially when Daddy’s not there, they think that can get away with more…but us Mommies need to stay strong…They need to learn respect and obey in the home at a young age and their school teaches that as well which helps out greatly!!!
Nancy, I actually give her 1 warning and then put her in time out if she still defies. Thanks for sharing the differences between boys & girls in your house.
I had absolutely no idea. Whatsoever. Your husband is a saint. Maybe they should develop some kind of baby Midol?
@Catherine, Wouldn’t *that* be something? It’s funny to see my hormones affect her. Well funny in an annoying way. 😉
I just read these stories about toddler PMS…I kinda thought that might be what was going on with My 3 year old! So is it really true? I’ve noticed – especially the last two months – that when it’s my time she gets all cranky and whiny! Oh boy! Look out teen years!!! 🙂
@Betty, Like I said, I have no *actual* proof. Just our own experience with it. But, think about it…they say that women who often are around each other get on the same cycle. Hormones are in the air. So it kinda makes sense that a girl might pick up on them.
I have a toddler boy and same thing happens to us. He gets more fussy and wants more mommy than daddy during my pms. After that he is not that bad. My daughter is now 7yo and i didnt go through this with her she was very chill then and still is now. My bboy is too dramatic
So very interesting how each child is unique.
I'm so glad to see this articla b/c for a few months now I've noticed my 2 yr old getting extremely whiney about a week or so before my menstrual starts and I wondered was it a coincidence, but like clockwork it happens every month and it gets to where there is no calming her down at all. I also thought about how women living together start having same cycles so I just convinced myself that is what it is b/c its no other time, plus she only really wants me and she wants to be treated like a baby…Geeesh!
I'm so glad to see this articla b/c for a few months now I've noticed my 2 yr old getting extremely whiney about a week or so before my menstrual starts and I wondered was it a coincidence, but like clockwork it happens every month and it gets to where there is no calming her down at all. I also thought about how women living together start having same cycles so I just convinced myself that is what it is b/c its no other time, plus she only really wants me and she wants to be treated like a baby…Geeesh!
Thank God I found this article – people think I am crazy because I said it is like my daughter cycles with me; she gets real whiny and clingy, and snotty 2 days before I am supposed to start. My son (19 months older than her) has never done that (some days he is wonderful some days he is possessed by demons, but it never coincides with my cycle) I fully believe that she and I will be on the same cycle for the rest of our lives – my poor hubby
Yes! I do still think she fed/feeds off my hormones and has her own version of PMS. Good luck to you…and your husband! 🙂
I feel 100% better after reading this. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out what’s wrong with my 3 year old. My husband brought the idea that maybe she is cycling with me & it just kind of clicked. I’m home with her all day so it really make sense!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who believes in 3 year old PMS!
6 years later ? My son always gets pms the day before I come on. I don’t need to track is as I k know 100% I’m due on due to his behaviour. Hes grumpy and irritable even if I try to be calm and happy! Its mad!
Wow! That is quite incredible!
So, I have a 2 year old son and since he was a baby I noticed for a week every month he was SUPER whiney, cranky, and now at two it’s even more prominent. Clingy and needy and MOMMMMMYYYYYY! Well, I noticed it is EVERY WEEK BEFORE MY PERIOD. And mind you this is my only child and a boy! He is a very happy well behaved kid for 2 and so when I notice he acts different I always check my menstrual calendar…and he is right on que EVERY time. Im not sure what causes this or anything because I am a very calm person and do not project my emotions or feelings during that time of the month but maybe he can sense and feel how I truly feel instead of what I probably mask lol! SO glad others have noticed this is a thing though.
It’s so interesting, isn’t it? I think they pick up on our hormones.
My son is SEVEN and i just had this big aaahhhhaaaa moment about a year or 2 ago. Like wait a minute it’s my period and how in sync it was the week before. Clockwork he’s emotions were on high and boom then came my period. I tried looking into this but I don’t see any articles or post so I thought it was just me or going a little crazy lol