Ah, the first weekend of May. It is now officially here which can mean only one thing: the summer blockbuster season has arrived! Moviegoers everywhere know that this weekend traditionally kicks off a weekly barrage of high profile popcorn flicks. This year is no exception as Marvel Studios releases their eagerly anticipated next installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: Civil War. Let’s see if by the end we can pick a side.
We thought very highly of the precursor to this film, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It was an important movie in not just simply the Captain America series of movies, but the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The overarching story-arc shifted based upon the events in The Winter Soldier and had ripple effects in subsequent Marvel productions (movies and TV shows). With that kind of a set-up, it would have been easy for Civil War to come short of meeting expectations. However, it does nothing of the sort.
Civil War takes place after the events in Avengers: Age of Ultron. A Captain America-led group of Avengers conduct what might ordinarily be a routine mission in Nigeria. The ensuing conflict has unexpected consequences for our super heroes. This of course comes on the heels of the climactic battle in Age of Ultron that stoked fears of civilian deaths in the form of collateral damage. Various leaders around the world see these latest turn of events as a sign that something must be done to keep these heroes in check for the greater good.
Herein comes the central conflict of Civil War that forces the Avengers to choose a side. Captain America views the proposed government oversight as a threat to their freedoms. Cap believes that the government’s agenda may not actually be for the greater good. IronMan insists that oversight is needed, even inevitable. Embracing it now demonstrates the Avengers’ ability to operate within the confines of the law. The debate is an interesting one, particularly in a presidential election year, and is fairly ambitious for an action-adventure movie. You may think you already have decided a side on this debate. That decision may even align with your own political leanings, but Civil War will challenge your beliefs. Expect some twists and turns in this story that will have you questioning your once firm stance.
While we could expand even more on the central theme’s applicability to real-world politics on a global stage, the film is still accessible to younger moviegoers. In fact this movie could serve to generate some heady discussions with your kids on how many real world issues aren’t so black and white. However, do not fear that Civil War has gotten too serious. There are plenty, and we do mean plenty, of action scenes that keep you on the edge of your seat. The intricate hand-to-hand combat in these Marvel films continues to impress and push the bar even higher. And with so many superheroes to juggle, there is plenty of opportunities for the teaming of different powers to take down bad guys. Of course the real treat is when they take on each other as this internal conflict continues to build up.
Don’t be surprised if your kids — and okay us adults too — will want every single action hero available from Civil War. In addition to Captain America and IronMan, we have the return of Avenger favorites Black Widow and Hawkeye. There’s a laundry list of other returning action heroes that round out the cast including Ant-Man who steals just about every scene that he is in. Nearly all of Civil War’s big laughs come courtesy of Ant-Man.
Of course there is one new super hero that all Marvel fans have been eagerly anticipating. Yes, Spider-Man does indeed make his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Previously only available in films from Sony Pictures, Spider-Man is portrayed here as a teenage boy. While we have seen our share of Spider-Man depictions over the years, this has to be the most accurate portrayal to date. As someone who grew up reading Spider-Man comics, it is extremely satisfying to see a movie that has captured Peter Parker’s playful personality so well. Incidentally, we recently shared some great ways to introduce your own kids to the wonders of comic books!
Civil War is a rarity in this genre. It delves into a political debate that will resonate with its audience, young and old. Yet at the same time it features plenty of action-packed scenes that will satisfy even the most ardent of comic book fans. It is a “thinking man’s/woman’s” action adventure film. We haven’t seen a film like this since, well, the last Captain America movie.
We will let you decide if you’re #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan. One thing we know for sure: this was fun. Well done, Marvel Studios. Well done.
P.S. Did we mention that part of Civil War was filmed in Puerto Rico? Also, there are two end-credit scenes so please stay until the credits finish rolling.

Disclosure: We were provided a complimentary advance screening of the film to facilitate this post. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
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