Sick of hearing about BlogHer 2009? I hope not! Not yet anyway. Just once more from me. Then you can be sick of it.
If you missed my recaps you can go read about my first day at BlogHer and then read about the BlogHer 2009 sessions and events that I attended.
Today, I’m just going to share some more photos with you of me with some lovely ladies.
I did take three videos from the “Have You Found Your MommyBlogging Tribe?” session, the “Women of Color and Marketing” session, and the “Dying is Easy, ROTFLMAO Comedy is Hard: It’s two, two, two comedy panels in one!” session, but unfortunately my video skills are really crappy. I blame it on the fact that I’m short and it was hard to hold up my Flip steady enough and avoid other people’s heads in the shot. So, I won’t be sharing those here, but feel free to visit my Vimeo page to watch them. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though.
Now, on to the photos.
Amy Lupold Bair of Resourceful Mommy
Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil
Shellie Ross of Blog 4 Mom
Kristin of Our Ordinary Life – Sheena Williams of Mommy Daddy Blog – Jennae Petersen of Green Your Decor
Jessica Smith of Jessica Knows – Photo Credit: crazedmommy
Jenny Lawson of The Bloggess
Wendy Piersall of Sparkplugging
Mrs. Potato Head
More photos of the trip on Flickr!
***Except for the one noted, all photos by Melanie Edwards (Modern Mami)***
It’s kind of like Disney.. go have your picture taken with these characters that you “know”, but not really. (And yes, I’m including Mrs. Potato Head in that statement.)
@Kelly, hee hee hee – you’re too funny Kelly! Darn! I forgot my autograph book!
It was great meeting you! 🙂
@Suburban Turmoil, Definitely good to meet you! And perhaps we’ll get to talk more next time. 🙂
You are awesome and adorable.
I’m jealous.
@Catherine, haha – yup, Carson. But, it’s not like we got to hang out and talk or anything and become BFFs. 😉
Wow. You have pictures of people I didn’t even know where AT BlogHer.
Just goes to show how huge the whole thing was.
@Miss Britt, It *was* huge. And, there were people I knew were going to be there and *still* missed meeting.
It was so great to meet you. Oh my hair was all over the place, so was my mind!
@Sheena, Great meeting you Sheena! And your hair looked great. 😉