After posting 21 People You Should Follow on Twitter, I’ve connected with many more people in the last two months. A lot of them are moms.
That got me thinking that there are people out there who specifically want to connect with moms.
Moms are great to connect with on twitter. They often provide really useful tips and retweet information they find interesting. Moms can be great advocates for you, your product, or service.
So, how do you find moms on twitter?
I know of five quick and easy ways:
- Look through Wendy Piersall’s (@emom) Ultimate List of Moms on Twitter. The list started off innocently enough and includes many more moms listed in the comments section.
- Join the twitter moms social network and connect with plenty of moms who have already joined. Myself included.
- Search for the keyword mom on twitter. Or any other mami-related keyword(s) you want to use.
- Join the Moms on Twitter group at the Mom Bloggers Club social network. The group currently has almost 700 members. That’s a lot of moms!
- Participate in twitter parties that are often attended by moms on twitter. You will connect with plenty of party participants in a short amount of time. I know of two popular party groups:
- Site warming parties hosted by Resourceful Mommy
- Girl’s Night Out (GNO) hosted by Mom It Forward
How else have you connected with moms on twitter? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments.
P.S. Follow me on twitter! I’m a mom too. 😉
Go to tweetups!
hehe, yes, go to tweetups! Plenty of moms attend….and take over!