{Sponsored content} Though you’re probably seeing many back to school displays in the stores, hopefully your summer fun continues with a lot of fun activities, games, and maybe even some pool or beach fun! Something many parents deal with during the summer are scrapes, bites, and even sunburns on our kids (if not ourselves). Luckily, […]
CHPA educational foundation
10 Tips for Safe Fun in the Sun & Sunscreen Use
{Sponsored content} With summer in full-swing, sunscreen is a hot topic at the moment and I’ve been hearing that a lot of parents have trouble applying sunscreen on their kids. Is this something you can relate to? Personally, I guess I’m pretty lucky that I’ve never had any issues with my kids – they pretty […]
Shocking Facts on Accidental Medicine Ingestion, Plus Tips for Parents on Safe Medicine Storage
{Sponsored content} Through our partnership with OTCSafety.org, we’ve been talking a lot about keeping medicines safely stored up and away and why it’s so important to do so. In an earlier post, I shared just where we keep medicines stored in our house and why this is important not just for our children, but for […]
#MedsUpAway Reminds Parents to Keep Medicines Safely Stored Up and Away
{Sponsored content} Last month, I shared an infographic with medicine safety tips for parents that included not only tips for using medicine safely, but also storing medicine safely. Safe storage of medicine is the focus of the #MedsUpAway program that’s launching this month in time for National Safety Month; #MedsUpAway is a program by the CDC […]