Whenever I feel the sniffles coming on, especially when I know it’s “flu season,” a small part of me always wonders if it’s the flu (while simultaneously hoping it’s not). It’s so incredibly hard to know if it’s a cold or if it’s the flu, particularly with those very early symptoms, until you either feel […]
OTC Safety
6 Tips for Preventing Dry Skin This Winter
It doesn’t seem to matter how much I moisturize, when there is colder, dry air, my hands inevitably start to dry out and even crack. This is the second year in a row it’s happened to me, which is a testament to the fact that things change as we age – this wasn’t an issue […]
Taking Care of Yourself in the New Year
As 2014 gets underway, I’m sure many of you have made New Year’s Resolutions or goals for the year, some of which surely include taking better care of yourself. As busy parents, it’s easy to overlook our own health, since we’re focused on caring for our children, managing our households, and ensuring our work is […]
Medicine Safety Reminders for the Holiday Season
As busy as December is with the holidays, school functions, and preparations for the end of the year, life sometimes still manages to throw you curve balls. It seems that sniffles never cease to take a break when your children are in school – not even for the holidays. Your kids can get sick regardless […]
Fevers in Children: Learning to Cope & FAQs on Medications
Nearly eight years ago, as a new mom to an infant daughter, it was hard to know what symptoms were catastrophic and which were simply normal and part of everyday life for a newborn baby. When my baby girl would have a temperature above the normal 98.6 degrees I knew to be normal, it was […]