Tomorrow is Halloween and with the holiday, many kids all over will be feasting on Halloween candy and treats. It’s one of the few nights as a kid, where I remember being allowed to have more than one piece of candy in one sitting. Luckily, as a parent, I haven’t had to deal much with […]
OTC Safety
Talking to Kids About Medicine Abuse
Though cough medicine abuse is more common among teenagers, I’ve already begun talking to my oldest about the need to be careful when taking medicines. Even at 7 years old, she can understand that too much of anything can turn into a bad thing. Building upon that concept, we’ve had talks about how medicines can […]
How to Tell if It’s Allergies or a Cold
{Sponsored content} It never fails…as soon as my oldest starts the school year and the little one goes back to a regular daycare schedule, they come home sniffling. Since I suffer from a myriad of allergies and my daughter has a few diagnosed allergens, I never know if our sniffles are due to allergies or […]
5 Tips for Avoiding Back to School Germs
{Sponsored content} School started last week for my second-grader, plus my two-year-old began daycare at a new preschool. With back-to-school in effect, the next thing to expect is a slew of new germs and viruses my children will acquire and bring home. It never fails, a few weeks into school, one (or both) of them […]
Traveling with Kids: 7 Tips for Making it a Smooth Ride!
{Sponsored content} Every time we pack for a trip with the kids – even a two-hour drive – I find myself packing items to keep them entertained in the car. I often joke with my mom that I don’t know how she ever traveled with my brothers and I before the age of iPads and […]