“Be careful, there’s a cop parked over there,” I said to my husband. “Yeah… I see him.” We weren’t doing anything wrong. We were simply driving home – driving along a back road, at nighttime. As my husband cautiously ensured he drove not even one mile over the speed limit, I kept my eye on […]
Prejudice Isn’t Always So Black and White: Sometimes It’s Hard To Know What To Call It
Prejudice, racism, bigotry – these words are often used interchangeably to describe statements, actions, situations, and people. But, I believe that not all thoughts of prejudice necessarily mean a person is racist. A prejudicial thought may at times be brought on by racism, yes, but just because a person says or does something that is […]
#101HispanicWaystoDie Shows True Colors
Yesterday on Twitter, the hashtag #101HispanicWaystoDie was trending and full of tweets poking fun at Latino culture. My friend Tracy alerted me to the hashtag and also wrote about it, and how she contributed with her own light-hearted tweets. Her Vicks VapoRub tweet brought back memories and had me laughing. But, something I noticed as […]
Are Stereotypes Necessary to Understand Our World?
“Generalizations are necessary to understand the world we live in.” The above statement was from a tweet I received the other day in response to my article about ¡Q’Viva! The Chosen. My article focused on how the show is highlighting Latinos in a positive way and I wrote that they’re sharing Latino culture on TV […]
Talking Race with My 6 Year Old
Every day when I pick up baby girl from school I ask her the same questions: How was your day? Did you have fun? and What did you guys do? The majority of the time her answer to the last question is a simple, “I don’t really remember.” She can tell me all about what […]