It’s been nearly two weeks since I left my full-time job and have been working from home. In the last two weeks, I’ve had days that were really really productive and days that were not very productive at all. In thinking back, there were things I did differently on those days that perhaps had an […]
Different Expectations…Same Goals
When the decision was made that I would leave my full-time outside the home job in order to work from home, the husband shared some of his requests with me: Legs and armpits should be shaved at all times. – I think the idea behind this is that I’ll have more time alone to be […]
The Big News
I just quit my job. Seriously. I just handed in my resignation letter. It feels good. And a tiny bit scary. But, I think that’s normal. It’s a big change for me. I’ve never quit a job without first having another. So, here I am. Well not quite yet. I still have some time at […]
Before & After Blogging
****Originally posted on Scholastic Parent Voices. But, I wanted to share with you as well.**** Before I started blogging my daily routine looked like this: work, pick up kid, cook, take care of kid, watch TV, sleep. Lather, rinse and repeat. Now, while there’s nothing wrong with that, and I was happy, you can see […]
Working on Building a Home Business: Family Eden Wednesday
I’ll apologize upfront for the mock-post today. I have plenty of reasons. Like my Internet was acting up last night and it barely made it through me posting over at the Family Eden blog. Also? I was kind of tired. So, go check out my latest Family Eden post – Working on Building a Home […]