Today has been a very balanced day for me. I was able to work out this morning, did some client work, responded to a few emails, worked on this blog, and even put a load of laundry to wash. For me, that’s a great balance of taking care of myself, working, managing social media, and […]
work life balance
Housework You Can Do While Working
When working from home, it can be tempting to try to do it all. At once. But, it’s pretty near impossible to be able to work on your blog, work on client-related tasks, and clean the house all at the same time. That said, I’ve found there are a few things you can do around […]
How Will You Maintain Balance this Week?
This is sure to be one of those weeks when the balance fairies need to pay me a visit. With Christmas being ONLY 4 DAYS AWAY, my brother and nephew being in town from Milwaukee, client work to do, a blog to maintain, a house to keep clean, and my sanity hanging by a thread, […]
7 Ways to Squeeze in “Me Time”
Plenty of people find it difficult to get some time alone. We’re all busy with work, our home life, family, activities, and just life in general. It can be hard to find some time for yourself. But, more and more, I see that women and moms in particular, complain the most about getting some time […]
Working Mami Resources
You’ve heard me say it before. A working mom needs all the help she can get. We need help with planning dinner, cleaning the house, work life balance, and time for ourselves. So, I’m always on the lookout for new resources and sites that offer some tips. I use delicious to keep track of all […]