When it comes to work-life balance, we try many tools to help us balance our time. From planning meals and chore schedules, to sticking to a social media routine and creating a daily work-flow schedule, we often focus on the planning tools. But, what about other resources? I’ve often said to many, that one of […]
Working Mothers
CEO and WAHM on Balancing Work and Family
Guest post: Sandy Salle is a native of Zimbabwe and was born and raised in Southern Africa. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Hills of Africa travel and is passionate about using her first-hand knowledge of Africa to create the trip of a lifetime for her clients. Currently based state-side in North Carolina, she […]
Do You Expect to be a Super Mom?
This post was first published on July 11, 2007. At that time, I was still working full-time outside the home and struggling to find some work-life balance. Though I know I can still improve areas of my work-home life, I’ve come a long way. *Note: Slight edits have been made to the original post. What […]
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Working Mom
Looking for some last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas for that special lady in your life? Here are a few suggestions for those busy working moms you know. Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Working Mom Workplace Flexibility: Realigning 20th-century Jobs for a 21st-century Workforce Though I have not personally read this book, the woman […]
Planning Your Family’s Dinner Menu
This post was first published on January 23, 2009. At that time, I was still working full-time outside the home. I’ve found that planning a dinner menu is beneficial for anyone, though. As a working mother, I need shortcuts wherever I can get them. Dinner is often a challenge for us busy moms, and this […]