It’s been 5 nights that we’ve been bobo-less.
And contrary to my belief, things did not go that bad.
There was no hair pulling, no screaming, and just some crying.
Friday night:
We explained to her that “Blanca the Bobo Fairy” was coming to pick up the bobos to take to the babies. And that Blanca would leave her a nice present in the morning as a thank you.
She helped me find the bobos and put them in the envelope. She sealed the envelope herself and put it by the front door.
We then took a bath, had some milk, and went for a car ride. Although she didn’t fall asleep in the car (like we hoped), she did get calm and relaxed.
When we got back home, she layed down on top of her daddy and got all snuggly.
We had Bjork’s All is Full of Love playing, which has commonly been “the go to sleep song” since she was a baby.
She got all cozy and closed her eyes and I began to celebrate since she didn’t ask for the bobo and it looked like she was asleep!
Well, it lasted about a minute before she sat up, opened her eyes, and said “Where’s my bobo? I need my bobo.”
As soon as we reminded her that the Fairy had taken them for the babies, the crying began.
But, I must say that it was not the 2+ hours of crying we expected. We thought it would last until her little body could take no more and she would just cry herself to sleep.
Instead, she cried for about 10 minutes, then let me hold her and she calmed down and fell asleep. And stayed asleep! She didn’t wake up at all that first night.
Saturday morning:
As soon as she woke up, we told her how proud we were of her. We then reminded her that the fairy came and left her a present since she was such a big girl now!
Boy did she hop out of bed to go “find it!”
Here’s what she found:
My husband decorated the envelope and made it all glittery and magical. I think he did a great job!
And yes, I know that fairies don’t have feathers on their wings, but it’s the closest thing I could find at the store. It was representative of the fairy having come to the house. Go with it.
The fairy left her a tea party set and a princess jewelry set.
Can you guess how many times we’ve played tea party since Saturday?
Yea, that many times.
And of course, we have to wear our princess crowns. Cause you can’t have a tea party without your princess crown.
Apparently there’s also a proper way to serve tea:
- Put sugar in tea cup. Two year olds like 5 spoonfuls of sugar in their tea (in case you didn’t know).
- Next, pour in the milk.
- And lastly you can pour in the tea.
- Stir it all around.
- Now everybody hold their cups up and when given the “green light” go-ahead, you drink.
It’s like doing tea shots.
The rest of the weekend and past few days have gone pretty smoothly as well. She’ll ask for it at times still, but we’ll remind her of Blanca the Fairy and thankfully she hasn’t thrown a fit.
Do you have a binky tale to tell?
I look forward to hearing all about your method for getting rid of the pacifier in the comments.
I’m sooo glad everything is going smoothly for you and your princess with the bobo situation! I like the fairy idea too…very creative!
I’m absolutely DREADING the day I have to do it with Delani!
I was dreading it too Sylvia, but was pleasantly surprised! I can’t take credit for the idea, I got it from Supernanny.
I’m so glad everything seems to be going smoothly for you! Booba stopped using a bobo at around 6 months. He used to need it to go to sleep then he’d spit it out. He’d actually make the sucking motion without it in his sleep it was so cute! But he’s almost 18 months and never needs it thank goodness. He isn’t a thumb sucker either. I would have rather he had a bobo than suck his thumb because at least the bobo fairy can take it away!:)
That is absolutely true! I was afraid she might start sucking her thumb when we took it away, but thankfully she hasn’t!
I love the idea of the bobo fairy taking the bobo away and giving her a gift. Plus, your husband did a fantastic job on the envelope! And your daughter/princess is beautiful. 🙂
Thanks so much Sandie!
I so needed to read this to get the courage to do it. Camila is almost 21 months and we think it´s time to wean her off her “pupon” (chupón). You can already tell it’s damaging her teeth. Last week we finally got her to understand that she would only use it for naps, sleep and in the car. I’m terrified of weaning her off during her times because of the possible tantrums. Maybe I should just wait a couple of months until she can understand better if I bribe her! Loved what you did! I’ve taken note. I’ll let you know in some months how it goes and if sleep depravation returns to the house.
@Ana Lilian, I can’t lie that it will be hard. But, kids always amaze me with how quick they overcome it. My daughter was a bit older, though, so maybe that did help. Good luck!
Would you believe neither one of my kiddos were into the binky? Glad you are having a smooth transition:)
@Nap Warden, You’re so lucky they never wanted it! It saves so much headache.
We finally had Peyton put her binky inside of a Build-A-Bear and get all sewn up inside…she can still feel it when she needs to, she gets to hug it and love on it, she just can’t get it in her mouth. It was very successful for us!
YAY Team Moms
@Anissa@Hope4Peyton, *that* is an awesome idea! What a great way to preserve the comfort factor.
@Anissa@Hope4Peyton, The Build-A-Bear idea was just the inspiration I needed. We are having a tough time trying to get my little one to give it up completely. We had a little bump in the road when she had to get tubes put in her ears and has clung to the “B”(that’s what she calls her binky) ever since. We have gotten down to her only having it at bed time but she is very reluctant to give it up completely. I have even gotten her down to just 1 “B”, she understands that all of the others are gone. So I am hoping the snuggle factor of a bear will help us as we transition to 0 “B”‘s. Wish me luck! And thank you so much for the idea!
@Lauren, Isn’t that a great idea Anissa provided? I hope it works out for you! Good luck!
Aha! This gives me hope!! I actually remember reading this story when you posted it. That’s how long I’ve been a fan 😉
LOL! Just saw that I also left a comment back then. We’re doing it in 2-3 weeks. For real this time!
haha! I couldn’t believe it’s been 2 yrs already! Good luck to you & your nena!