Our partnership with Avon continues with a second profile of an Avon representative. I had the chance to speak last month with Yesenia Ward who lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and has been with Avon since October 2007. She moved to Vegas from California and as a stay at home mom (SAHM), she was seeking something that would allow her to have more adult interaction. Soon after, she found an Avon brochure in her driveway; she considered the find to be a sign, so she called to inquire about selling.
Yesenia was already familiar with Avon, since growing up, her mom often had Avon books around the house and was an Avon customer. Her whole family is involved in her business; her two sons especially, ages six and seven, help bag and deliver products. Yesenia mentioned that some customers even request to have their products delivered by her sons!
With Avon, you can make the business your own and work as much or as little as you want. Yesenia takes advantage of this and runs her business mostly part-time, but full-time during her boys’ school breaks. She estimates she puts in about five hours a day while her boys are in school.
The majority of Yesenia’s business comes from one-on-one face-to-face meetings. She carries business cards and also has a website through the Avon site. Lots of people contact her through the website for both purchasing as well as for more information on becoming an Avon representative. Yesenia also uses Facebook to advertise her Avon link and keep family informed.
Since the majority of her business comes from personal interactions, it’s no wonder that word of mouth is the top way Yesenia finds new representatives. She explained to me that her mom works at a casino and shares information on Yesenia’s business to customers. Yesenia’s husband is in the army, so another way word spreads is through the wives of his coworkers.
I asked Yesenia what keeps her motivated to continue her Avon business, to which she responded that she loves she can work on her own time without a boss. She shares her story with new representatives and lets them know how easy it is for their schedule. She says, “Avon sells itself with not a lot of effort.” Yesenia has about fifteen representatives under her and periodically meets with them one-on-one. She would like to host in-home parties, but hasn’t been able to yet.
It took Yesenia a while to make money selling Avon. At first, she started selling only to friends and family. After three months of selling Avon, she became a unit leader, which is when she started seeing more income come in. Any income Yesenia earns always goes towards her kids’ schools, their supplies, etc.
Yesenia’s story is different from our last featured Avon representative, Sylvia Tamayo, but that is the beauty of being an Avon representative and selling Avon products. You can make your Avon business be whatever you want it to be. In fact, I’d say that’s the top benefit of any home-based business and being your own boss! Don’t you think?
Disclosure: I am being compensated for my work with Avon.
I would love for Avon to HELP representatives with a smaller customer bases to grow their business instead of stifle it by not allowing them to participate in the online representative referral program “Customer Connect”. Come on, Avon, open doors to opportunity instead of lowering your shipping costs be such a corporate priority. You’re still making your profits. Let the smaller reps make theirs.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I’ll pass this along to the Avon team for their information.
i would like for avon to back to signing terrtorys where no one elese could go in others terrtory and also if you could keep other from getting on your web site and trying get your friends to order from them and also if the reptesentaives wouldn’t throw their broshures in people driveways people don’t like it they don’t even go out pick them up
Appreciate your comment. I will pass this along to the Avon team for their information.
“Avon sells itself with not a lot of effort.”…IS SUCH An Exaggeration and SALES PITCH Reps use to BUILD A DOWNLINE team. Only a handful of reps who make money almost right away ( with help from spouse and family buying &/or spreading the word) make this comment. THERE’S NO SUCH THING. If that’s the Case 95% of AVON REPS WOULD BE SUCCESSFUL.
In the words of a Facebook Friend Marie: (Linked her sites)
***It takes a lot of hard-work, smart strategies, training, persistence and consistence to make it with AVON.*** There are many challenges an AVON Rep faces and must meet to make any money at all. MANY QUIT before seeing success because it takes a while (average 3-5yr mark; as with any business). ONLY the STRONG, TRAINED and MOTIVATED SURVIVE. It also takes a while to start making money. THE HARD WORK, ‘WORD OF MOUTH’, DEDICATION & Training**PAYS OFF BIG!** …but it will not come easy for MOST like some of these featured reps and the AVON Advertisements try to make it appear. WHEN IT DOES… as long as you follow the Proven Methods of AVON Products, Inc. YOU WILL EARN LUCRATIVE INCOME, BUILD A REWARDING FUTURE with Financial Security.—Marie
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