l’ve been tagged twice this week!
Chris Marsden (@cruciformity) of ChrisMarsden.com and Melissa (@WebBetty) of The Web-Betty Blog have both tagged me to tell you 7 things about me.
It’s actually the same meme I did back in April.
But, let’s give it another go-round and see if I can come up with 7 new things to tell you about.
- I’m actually pretty short – only 5’1″.
- I have an Industrial & Systems Engineering degree.
- But, I currently work in e-learning and have taken a keen interest in it.
- I used to dance to commercials when I was little. (In Puerto Rico, commercials have actual songs in the background, not just jingles and such. Well they did back when, at least. Don’t know if they still do.)
- I still love to dance and miss going out clubbing. Not for the club scene, but just for the dancing.
- I never had an Easy Bake Oven as a girl, even though I wanted one. I’ve contemplated buying one for myself. I mean, for my daughter. When she gets old enough.
- I cook good. So I’ve been told by friends and family. And the husband.
Now I get to tag 7 bloggers so I/we can learn more about them.
- Philippa – http://pchanner.blogspot.com – @pchanner
- Chris Channer – http://itsbasic.blogspot.com – @chrischanner
- Jai – http://mamistimeout.com – @JaiMami
- Coqui – http://www.visit-the-coqui.com – @coqui2008
- Lymari – http://besitosdecoco.com – @lymari
- Nancy Nally – http://www.scrapbookupdate.com – @ScrapNancy
- Melody – http://feistfamily.blogspot.com – No Twitter?
To quote Chris:
Check out their sites. Follow them on Twitter. And if you want, consider yourself tagged as well, follow the rules below, and leave a comment here with your blog address and twitter address. And don’t forget to follow me on twitter too [@modernmami]!
- Link to the original tagger(s), and list these rules on my blog.
- Share 7 facts about myself in the post – some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of my post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.
Do you feel like you know me a little bit better? How about you share some information about yourself?
Leave a fact about yourself and/or a link to your post in the comments so we can all learn more about each other!
Now I know more about you:)
I never had an Easy Bake Oven either! I was more into G.I. Joe! 😉
Thanks for playing. It was great to meet you at the Tweetup, and now I know more about you. I too wish I had an easy bake oven when I was little (although since they all came in pink and purple, my mom and grandma just got me cooking “real” food at an early age).
@kompostela: It was fun to share.
@Web-Betty: I used to make my Barbies kiss my brother’s GI Joes. LOL
@Chris: As soon as I could reach the back burner, my mom started teaching me how to cook.
Thanks for the tag Melanie. I finally did my post this morning and the part that took the longest for me was finding 7 other people to tag. I need to build up my network.
You’ll get there Phil. 😉