A few weeks ago I had a birthday. It was a big one. As in, the big 3-0. I joked around the weeks leading up to my birthday and said things like, “I don’t know how I feel about turning 30” and “Can I just say I’m 29 and 13 months instead?”
The thing is that I was being honest when I said I didn’t know how I felt about it. I truly wasn’t having a complete freak-out about it, but I also wasn’t thrilled. I just knew I was now leaving my 20’s and entering the 30’s. And, that was what bothered me a bit. The fact that I could no longer say I was in my 20’s. I was leaving behind an entire decade!
Everyone I talked to said the same things: “The 30’s are the best” and “You’ll see that the 30’s are better than the 20’s.” While that may be true, my 20’s weren’t so bad either. I graduated college, got married, and had my baby girl – all in my 20’s. Plus, there’s the whole “I still feel young” thing. Don’t laugh, but for some reason 30 is the official number in my head for leaving young and crossing over into old. I realize this doesn’t make sense.
However, it’s the idea that was in my head. I felt like leaving my 20’s meant I was also saying good-bye to my youth. My fun, lighthearted, young 20’s were now going to be in the past. Saying “I’m in my 30’s” seemed so much different than saying “I’m in my 20’s.”
Even so, I understand that 30 is really just a number. I know it doesn’t mean I’m old. I know it will be what I make of it. But, part of me couldn’t help but feel the way I did.
Obviously, the day that I actually turned 30 wasn’t so bad. It’s not like I felt a sudden change, of course. In the weeks since my birthday, I haven’t actually had the need to say “I’m 30” yet. Maybe when I do it will become a reality for me. Because so far? I still feel 29.
Wonder how long that will last?
I couldn't agree more…I feel the exact same way…because I'm not really sure how I feel about it either :p ok, so a lot of people say 30's are the NEW 20's..but really?? I think it's best described by the pic you used for this posting….the great, tasty, sweet, full of calories and flavor part of the desert is gone (our youth), and all that's left is the decorative syrup.
I'm still totally under the impression that I'm supposed to be this way-more-responsible adult, and I can't just do whatever I want, like I've done for the last 10 years of my life. WOW, 10 years..that hurts a little to say that, makes me feel “old.” I have to admit, having to say I'm “30” is still a little uncomfortable, like making the transition from saying “fiance” to “husband.” It is definitely still an adjustment…I haven't any “magic” moments
Although I feel like I accomplished a lot of things in my 20's, I haven't had any kids yet, so for me this new decade seems to all of a sudden accelerate the bio clock, if nothing else. Also, getting the baby question from family ALL the time puts an intense amount of pressure on the idea. I don't think older generations will ever understand what it's like for a woman in her 30's in 2010. Therefore, since genetically engineering my offspring is not an option for me (like all the 40+ year olds in Hollywood), I guess I should jump on the reproducing band wagon soon 😉
I'm so glad you can relate. What is it about 30 that gives us this instant “old” image? As for the baby thing…I know plenty of women that didn't start until well into their 30s…35ish, etc. So, while I know it's hard, ignore those older relatives who already think you're too ancient to start having kids. Do so when you're ready. 😉
I'm going to be 44 in November and having been through my 20s and 30s I'm able to say that my 30s were awesome! Of course for me my 30s were when I got married and had my two children, so maybe you'll look back years later and say the 20s were the best for you because that's when YOU did those things. One thing I did that I highly recommend was I stretching the celebration out as long as possible. I had at least three birthday dinners and friends were taking me to lunch and buying me drinks for a whole month! Definitely a great time. 🙂
Now, THAT'S a way to celebrate! Love it. I will have to see how this 30s journey turns out. Check back in 10 years. 😉 lol
I felt this way, too – and if I'm honest, to some extent I still do, but I have gained so much wisdom and confidence that I know wasn't possible in my 20's.
I guess you just have to embrace it, or at the very least accept it – because we don't really have a choice. LOL. You can age one of two ways – gracefully or kicking and screaming. 😉
BTW – I'm sure this discussion is amusing to all the fabulous, beautiful, active women in their 40's, 50's, 60's – etc. That we're talking about feeling as if we crossed the “old” threshold at 30.
Yes, I know plenty who are in 40+ range and told me to basically shut up and get over it. LOL
Now, THAT’S a way to celebrate! Love it. I will have to see how this 30s journey turns out. Check back in 10 years. 😉 lol
I’m so glad you can relate. What is it about 30 that gives us this instant “old” image? As for the baby thing…I know plenty of women that didn’t start until well into their 30s…35ish, etc. So, while I know it’s hard, ignore those older relatives who already think you’re too ancient to start having kids. Do so when you’re ready. 😉
I'm so glad you can relate. What is it about 30 that gives us this instant “old” image? As for the baby thing…I know plenty of women that didn't start until well into their 30s…35ish, etc. So, while I know it's hard, ignore those older relatives who already think you're too ancient to start having kids. Do so when you're ready. 😉
Now, THAT'S a way to celebrate! Love it. I will have to see how this 30s journey turns out. Check back in 10 years. 😉 lol
Yes, I know plenty who are in 40+ range and told me to basically shut up and get over it. LOL
Yes, I know plenty who are in 40+ range and told me to basically shut up and get over it. LOL